Enemies: Difference between revisions

updated with mostly Candy Kingdom Heartless
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The number above this foe gets smaller with every attack. Once it reaches 0, he'll unleash a counterattack. Beware attacks that lower strength and cause paralysis!
The number above this foe gets smaller with every attack. Once it reaches 0, he'll unleash a counterattack. Beware attacks that lower strength and cause paralysis!
This foe overwrites your strength and paralyzes you. The number above his head gets smaller with every hit, and he counterattacks at 0!
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This Superior of the In-Between unleashes his fury when his HP drops to 50% or below. Watch out for the powerful attack he unleashes every other turn!
This Superior of the In-Between unleashes his fury when his HP drops to 50% or below. Watch out for the powerful attack he unleashes every other turn!
He overwrites your strength and the strength of all attributes, paralyzes you, and counters when his count hits 0! Upright Medals aren't very effective.
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This Freeshooter counterattacks when his HP falls below 70%, then 40%, then 20%. He also has abilities that lower and overwrite your strength!
This Freeshooter counterattacks when his HP falls below 70%, then 40%, then 20%. He also has abilities that lower and overwrite your strength!
He lowers your strength, counters when his HP falls to 20% or below, and reflects 10% of Speed damage!
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This Whirlwind Lancer not only boosts his Speed attacks, he unleashes attacks that remove your strength and defense boosts!
This Whirlwind Lancer not only boosts his Speed attacks, he unleashes attacks that remove your strength and defense boosts!
He resets your boosts, lowers the strength of all attributes, counters after your slot 4 attack, and absorbs Speed attacks! Upright Medals aren't very effective.
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The number above this Chilly Academic gets smaller with every hit, and he counterattacks at 0 He also has abilities that boost his defense and lower your strength!
The number above this Chilly Academic gets smaller with every hit, and he counterattacks at 0 He also has abilities that boost his defense and lower your strength!
He boosts his defense, lowers your strength, reflects 10% of Magic damage, and counterattacks when his count hits 0!
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This Silent Hero boosts his strength and Power attacks to hit hard!
This Silent Hero boosts his strength and Power attacks to hit hard!
He strikes first with an attack that lowers your strength! He also reflects 10% of Power damage and counterattacks when his count hits 0!
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The number above this foe gets smaller with every hit, and he counterattacks at 0. Watch out for attacks that overwrite your strength or inflict status effects!
The number above this foe gets smaller with every hit, and he counterattacks at 0. Watch out for attacks that overwrite your strength or inflict status effects!
He overwrites your strength, has an ability that poisons and paralyzes, counters at 0, and absorbs Magic attacks! Reversed Medals aren't very effective.
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This one-winged angel counters when his HP drops below 70% and then 30%. He also absorbs Power attacks and lowers your STR while he boosts his DEF!
This one-winged angel counters when his HP drops below 70% and then 30%. He also absorbs Power attacks and lowers your STR while he boosts his DEF!
He overwrites your strength and counters after your slot 5 attack!