
Revision as of 05:28, 13 June 2020 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs) (Removed redirect to Special Attack#Imitation)

Imitation is a series of Special Attacks in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Lesser Imitation

Lock & Shock & Barrel
Lesser Imitation (デュプリケート Dyupurikēto?, lit. "Duplicate")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
5★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 x1.55   Single 5
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x3.34   Single 5   3
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3. x9.53 x19.06   Single 5   3

Beagle Boys
Lesser Imitation (デュプリケート Dyupurikēto?, lit. "Duplicate")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x3.34   Single 5   3
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3. x9.53 x19.06   Single 5   3

SN+ - KH III Luxord
Lesser Imitation (デュプリケート Dyupurikēto?, lit. "Duplicate")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
●●●●● Max SAB
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x9.53 x40.03   Single 3   10

Imitation Cost↓ I

Imitation Cost↓ I (デュプリケートeco Dyupurikēto eco?, lit. "Duplicate eco")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x3.84   Single 1   4
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3. x9.53 x21.92   Single 1   4

HD Riku Replica
Imitation Cost↓ I (デュプリケートeco Dyupurikēto eco?, lit. "Duplicate eco")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x5.51   Single 1   8
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3. x9.53 x31.45   Single 1   8

Lion Pete
Imitation Cost↓ I (デュプリケートeco Dyupurikēto eco?, lit. "Duplicate eco")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x3.84   Single 1   4
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3. x9.53 x21.92   Single 1   4

Illustrated Dusk
Imitation Cost↓ I (デュプリケートeco Dyupurikēto eco?, lit. "Duplicate eco")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x5.51   Single 0   8
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3. x9.53 x31.45   Single 0   8


Key Art "Sky"
Imitation (デュプリケートmini Dyupurikēto mini?, lit. "Duplicate mini")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x4.18   Single 2   5
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3. x9.53 x23.83   Single 2   5

Key Art "Bonds"
Imitation (デュプリケートmini Dyupurikēto mini?, lit. "Duplicate mini")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x4.18   Single 2   5
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3. x9.53 x23.83   Single 2   5

Key Art "Beginning"
Imitation (デュプリケートmini Dyupurikēto mini?, lit. "Duplicate mini")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Unleashes the same special attack as the previous Medal. Works only when set after a Medal. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x4.18   Single 2   5
7★ Unleashes the same SP attack as the previous Medal. If none, unleashes SP attack of this Medal with 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3. x9.53 x23.83   Single 2   5
