Webby Vanderquack

Revision as of 07:41, 13 January 2018 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)

Magic Attribute 967: Webby Vanderquack Upright Attribute
Webby Vanderquack
DuckTales (1987)
Webby is itching for every adventure the world has to offer!

EN Set 22
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5659 5723 3 30 / 36
STR Boost M & DEF Sap +5
3 attacks: raises STR & PSM-STR by 7, and lowers targets DEF by 7 tiers.
Damage (Base) x1.47 Target Single
Damage (5 dots) x0 Gauges 2
Damage (Max) x SAB Tier 7

Webby Vanderquack is a Super Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

In the English version, Webby Vanderquack is only available in the 1/12/18 - 1/25/18 DuckTales Medal Deal. In this deal, players had a small chance of drawing a boosted version of Webby Vanderquack that has 1,000 more base strength. During the period, the Medal came with its Special Attack strengthened to between 1 to 3 dots.[1]

Notes and references