Supernova - Key Art 19

Revision as of 12:49, 26 October 2018 by SuperGamecube (talk | contribs)
The correct title of this article is <SB> Key Art #19. The substitution or omission of any brackets is due to technical restrictions.
This article is about the "<SB> Key Art #19" Medal.
You may be looking for other Key Art Medals.

Magic Attribute 1653: <SB> Key Art #19 Upright Attribute

Kana 《SB》Key Art #19
Romaji <SB> Key Art #19
JP Set 38
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
9591 / ??? 9321 / ??? 5 120 / 144
Blowing Gale +6
1 turn: ↑ U-STR 3, M-STR 7, SP ATK B +100%, ↓ targets' DEF, U- & M-DEF 7. Gauge +3. Damage+: 1 enemy or 0 parts left. Count ±0.
Damage (5 dots) x9.54 - 14.36 Target All
Damage (Max) x31.48 - 47.39 Gauges 6
Subslot +0.025% SAB Tier 8
Supernova[[Category:Supernova Medals|]]
Upright Strike M
Triggers before slot 6 is activated when defending in PVP.
Damage x120.0 Target Single

<SB> Key Art #19 is a Super Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Trait Medal

Dedicated Awakening Medal #56 (専用覚醒メダル #56 Sen'yō Kakusei Medaru #56?) can be used to add or re-roll a trait on <SB> Key Art #19.

In the Japanese version, Dedicated Awakening Medal #56 was available in the 10/26/18 - 11/12/18 "10 Consecutive Limited Draw".