Roxas A

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This article is about the "Roxas A" Medal.
You may be looking for other uses of Roxas.

Magic Attribute 487: Roxas A
477: Roxas
Reversed Attribute
Roxas A
KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (2009)
The 13th member of Organization XIII. A Keyblade wielder filled with darkness.

Kana ロクサス
Romaji Rokusasu
JP Set 6
EN Set 6
Class Type Attributes
Rare Attack Magic Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
4266 / 5355 4201 / 5273 1 15 / 18
Swift Hero +4
Deals 3 hits. Inflicts damage in exchange for defense.
Damage (Base) x2.53 - 3.25 Target Single
Damage (3 dots) x2.83 - 3.55 Gauges 3
Magic Attribute 488: Roxas A
478: Roxas
Reversed Attribute
Roxas A
KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (2009)
The 13th member of Organization XIII. A Keyblade wielder filled with darkness.

Kana ロクサス
Romaji Rokusasu
JP Set 6
EN Set 6
Class Type Attributes
Rare Attack Magic Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5502 / 7140 5417 / 7030 1 15 / 18
Swift Hero +5
Deals 3 hits. Inflicts damage in exchange for defense.
Damage (Base) x2.63 - 3.35 Target Single
Damage (5 dots) x3.13 - 3.85 Gauges 3
Damage (Max) x6.26 - 7.70 SAB Tier 3
Magic Attribute 1136: Roxas A
1211: Roxas
Reversed Attribute
Roxas A
KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days (2009)
The 13th member of Organization XIII. A Keyblade wielder filled with darkness.

Kana ロクサス
Romaji Rokusasu
JP Set 6
EN Set 6
Class Type Attributes
Rare Attack Magic Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
8669 / 10874 8570 / 10749 1 15 / 18
Swift Hero +6
Deals 3 hits. Inflicts damage in exchange for defense.
Damage (5 dots) x10.99 - 11.71 Target Single
Damage (Max) x21.98 - 23.42 Gauges 3
Subslot +0.005% SAB Tier 3

Roxas A, previously known as "Roxas", is a Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

In the Japanese version, Roxas A was first available from 02/19/16 - 02/25/16 during the New Medals Confirmed - 10 Consecutive Raise Draw.[1]

In the English version, one of each Organization XIII A Medals with their Special Attack strengthened 5 times, including a Roxas A Medal, and a Scrooge Medal with the ATK B III Max & SP GA II Skill were given away on May 23, 2017 to players who obtained both Key Art #6 and Key Art #7, or unlocked the Special Attack Bonus for one of them before May 23, 2017.[2]

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