Keyblade Materials: Olympia I

Revision as of 14:54, 4 July 2016 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs)

Mission 1

The first Olympia Upgrade mission grants the items needed to upgrade the Olympia Keyblade .

The target enemy is a level 50 Item Egg.

Mission Challenges

  • Defeat the Target Enemy within 1 turn
    • Reward: Avatar Coins x5
  • Clear with at least 150 Lux earned
    • Reward: Avatar Coins x5
  • Use the skill Guard Up S
    • Reward: Mythril Shard

Keyblade Upgrade Items

  • Cookie Crumbles (お菓子のかけら)
  • Strange Leaf (おかしな葉っぱ)
  • Medicinal Bulb (薬草の球根)
  • Teardrops (涙のしずく)
  • Agate Ring (めのうのリング)
  • Medicinal Leaf (薬草の葉っぱ)
  • Embers (残り火)
  • Copper Nugget (銅の原石)
  • Iron Nugget (鉄の原石)