User talk:Rikki21/sandbox

Revision as of 19:45, 6 July 2016 by KrytenKoro (talk | contribs)
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I have a small suggestion for your Avatar Board table. Instead of having male and female as two lines in one cell, separate them in two rows, like this:

Level Male Female Avatar Board Total Avatar Coins
1 Male White Overalls 45
Female Victorian Spring 50
4 Male Casual Gray 45
Female Expert Explorer 45
7 Male Ponytail 45
Female Wavy Bob 45

I personally think it looks better, but you don't have to do it this way if you don't want to. TheSilentHero 10:28, 2 July 2016 (PDT)

Alternate suggestion, with in-game numbering, more stats, and listing male and female separately.KrytenKoro (talk) 20:44, 6 July 2016 (PDT)
Number Avatar Board Level Gender Total
Coins Cost AP HP Medals
White Overalls
1 Male 45 2 1 20
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