This article is about the "Key Art #7" Medal.
You may be looking for other Key Art Medals.

Magic Attribute 686: Key Art #7
717: Key Art #7
Upright Attribute
Key Art #7
"Sunset," official art from KINGDOM HEARTS II.

Kana Key Art #7
Romaji Key Art #7
JP Set 17
EN Set 13
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5718 5649 2 20 / 24
Laser Barrage +5
Deals 7 hits. Lowers defense of all targets by 1 tier for 2 turns. Inflicts more damage the lower the slot number.
Damage (Base) x2.10~3.43 Target All
Damage (5 dots) x0 Gauges 4
Damage (Max) x SAB Tier 5

Key Art #7 is a Super Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

By going to the Medal Details screen and tapping on "Inspect", a fullscreen version of the artwork, "Dusk (夕暮れ Yūgure?)", can be viewed.

In the English version, during the 05/12/17 - 05/22/17 Falling Price Deal, players had a small chance of drawing a boosted version of Key Art #7 that has 1,000 more base strength and defense. During the period, the Medal came with its Special Attack strengthened to 3 dots.[1]

Notes and references