Magic Attribute 754: WORLD OF FF Reynn
927: Reynn
Upright Attribute

Kana レェン
Romaji Reen
JP Set 21
EN Set 17
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5700 5710 2 20 / 24
Frost Raid +5
Deals 8 immensely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes. For 3 turns: raises PSM-STR 1 tier, lowers targets' PSM-DEF 1 tier.
Damage (Base) x3.68 Target All
Damage (5 dots) x0 Gauges 5
Damage (Max) x SAB Tier 5

WORLD OF FF Reynn is a Super Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

When unlocking the Special Attack Bonus of WORLD OF FF Reynn for the first time, Nova will increase by 2 levels. When obtaining the maximum Special Attack Bonus for the first time, Nova will increase by 10 levels.

In the English version, WORLD OF FF Reynn is only available in the 08/18/17 - 08/31/17 WORLD OF FINAL FANTASY Deal. In this deal, players had a small chance of drawing a boosted version of WORLD OF FF Reynn that has 1,000 more base strength and defense. During the period, the Medal came with its Special Attack strengthened to 3 dots.[1]

Notes and references