Hercules A

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This article is about the "Hercules A" Medal.
You may be looking for other uses of Hercules.

Power Attribute 260: Hercules A
63: Hercules
Upright Attribute
Hercules A
Hercules (1997)
A hero with a kind heart and out-of-this-world strength.

Kana ヘラクレス
Romaji Herakuresu
JP Set 1
EN Set 1
Class Type Attributes
Normal Attack Power Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
2565 / 3160 2488 / 3066 1 15 / 18
Flame Break +2
Deals 7 extremely powerful hits.
Damage (Base) x3.10 Target Single
Damage (1 dot) x3.15 Gauges 3
Power Attribute 261: Hercules A
64: Hercules
Upright Attribute
Hercules A
Hercules (1997)
A hero with a kind heart and out-of-this-world strength.

Kana ヘラクレス
Romaji Herakuresu
JP Set 1
EN Set 1
Class Type Attributes
Normal Attack Power Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
3197 / 3892 3101 / 3776 1 15 / 18
Flame Break +3
Deals 7 extremely powerful hits.
Damage (Base) x3.15 Target Single
Damage (2 dots) x3.30 Gauges 3
Power Attribute 262: Hercules A
65: Hercules
Upright Attribute
Hercules A
Hercules (1997)
A hero with a kind heart and out-of-this-world strength.

Kana ヘラクレス
Romaji Herakuresu
JP Set 1
EN Set 1
Class Type Attributes
Normal Attack Power Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
3984 / 5001 3865 / 4851 1 15 / 18
Flame Break +4
Deals 7 extremely powerful hits.
Damage (Base) x3.20 Target Single
Damage (3 dots) x3.50 Gauges 3
Power Attribute 263: Hercules A
66: Hercules
Upright Attribute
Hercules A
Hercules (1997)
A hero with a kind heart and out-of-this-world strength.

Kana ヘラクレス
Romaji Herakuresu
JP Set 1
EN Set 1
Class Type Attributes
Normal Attack Power Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5138 / 6668 4984 / 6468 1 15 / 18
Flame Break +5
Deals 11 extremely powerful hits.
Damage (Base) x3.30 Target Single
Damage (5 dots) x3.80 Gauges 3
Damage (Max) x5.70 SAB Tier 2
Power Attribute 1028: Hercules A
1101: Hercules
Upright Attribute
Hercules A
Hercules (1997)
A hero with a kind heart and out-of-this-world strength.

Kana ヘラクレス
Romaji Herakuresu
JP Set 1
EN Set 1
Class Type Attributes
Normal Attack Power Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
8244 / 11335 8065 / 11106 1 15 / 18
Flame Break +6
Deals 11 extremely powerful hits.
Damage (5 dots) x11.66 Target Single
Damage (Max) x17.49 Gauges 3
Subslot +0.002% SAB Tier 2

Hercules A, previously known as "Hercules", is a Normal Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Gallery edit