Quest 778: The Fortuneteller

Revision as of 02:06, 9 May 2021 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)
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« Quest 778
The Fortuneteller
Let's Defeat the Fortuneteller

Maps: Jasmine's Quarters
Kana フォーチュンテラーを倒そう
Rōmaji Fōchunterā o Taosou
AP Level Raid Boss
10 250 ???
Magic AttributeFortuneteller
EN Objectives
Complete within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Complete within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Complete within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Complete within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards
« Quest 778
The Fortuneteller
Let's Defeat the Fortuneteller

Maps: Jasmine's Quarters
Kana フォーチュンテラーを倒そう
Rōmaji Fōchunterā o Taosou
AP Level Raid Boss
10 1182 ???
Target Keyblade
Magic AttributeFortuneteller Speed AttributeMissing Ache
Only special attacks requiring 3 or more gauges allowed.
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Use 5 or more special attacks 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 6 or more Upright Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Use 5 or more special attacks 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 6 or more Upright Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards

Quest 778 takes place in Agrabah.

Story summary edit

The Sultan tells Jasmine she will marry Jafar. When Jasmine says she chooses Prince Ali, Jafar informs her that he left. At that moment, Aladdin and The Player arrive and confront Jafar. Aladdin breaks Jafar's staff, freeing the Sultan from the spell, and Jafar flees.

Script edit

Before quest edit

  • ???: "Jasmine."
  • Jasmine: "Oh, Father!"
  • Jasmine: "I just had the most wonderful time."
  • Jasmine: "I'm so happy!"
  • Sultan: "You should be, Jasmine. I have chosen a husband for you."
  • Sultan: "You will wed..."
  • Sultan: "Jafar."
  • Jafar: "You're speechless, I see."
  • Jasmine: "I will never marry you."
  • Jasmine: "Father, I choose Prince Ali!"
  • Jafar: "Prince Ali left."
  • ???: "Better check your crystal ball again, Jafar!"
  • Jasmine: "Prince Ali!"
  • Iago: "How in the— Uh, squawk!"
  • Aladdin: "Tell them the truth, Jafar."
  • Aladdin: "You tried to have me killed."
  • Jafar: "What?"
  • Jafar: "Ridiculous nonsense, Your Highness. He is obviously lying."
  • Sultan: "Obviously...lying."
  • Jasmine: "Father! What's wrong with you?"
  • Aladdin: "I know what's wrong!"
  • Sultan: "Oh! Oh my!"
  • Aladdin: "Your Highness, Jafar's been controlling you with this!"
  • Sultan: "What? Jafar?"
  • Sultan: " traitor!"
  • Jafar: "Your Majesty, all of this can be explained."
  • Sultan: "Guards! Guards!"
  • Iago: "Well, that's it, we're dead. Just dig a grave for both of us."
  • Jafar: "This is not done yet, boy!"
  • Aladdin: "Jasmine, take your father and hide."
  • Jasmine: "Y-yes, of course."

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Fortuneteller
 2 Wizards
Jasmine's Quarters Target enemy; 1-attack count
Total Number of Enemies: 3

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Jasmine's Quarters