Category:Japanese Set 52
Japanese Set 52 includes all medals released in the Japanese version in December 2019.
Pages in category "Japanese Set 52"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
- SN++ - KH III Elsa
- Trait Medal 162
- SN+ - KH III Anna
- Trait Medal 163
- Spirit Lord Kyroo
- Spirit Chef Kyroo
- Spirit Sir Kyroo
- NM Lord Kyroo
- NM Chef Kyroo
- SN++ - Fiend
- Trait Medal 164
- SN++ - Rock Troll
- Trait Medal 165
- SN+ - Marionette
- Trait Medal 166
- SN+ - Patchwork Animals
- Trait Medal 167
- SN+ - Flood
- Trait Medal 168
- SN+ - Parasol Beauty
- Trait Medal 169
- SN++ - Key Art 22
- Trait Medal 170
- SN++ - Peter Pan
- Trait Medal 171