Chicken Little

Magic Attribute 969: Chicken Little
1035: Chicken Little
Upright Attribute
Chicken Little
Chicken Little (2005)
An unlucky chicken with more courage and determination than anyone around.

Kana チキン・リトル
Romaji Chikin Ritoru
JP Set 26
EN Set 22
Class Type Attributes
VIP Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5606 / 7275 5696 / 7392 3 30 / 36
STR Sap II & Charge EX +5
Lowers targets' STR by 2 tiers for 1 turn. Adds 1 to enemy countdown. HP recovery LV 2. Restores 4 gauges.
Damage (Base) x1.31 Target All
Damage (5 dots) x1.51 Gauges 0
Damage (Max) x4.53 SAB Tier 7
Magic Attribute 1396: Chicken Little
1494: Chicken Little
Upright Attribute
Chicken Little
Chicken Little (2005)
An unlucky chicken with more courage and determination than anyone around.

Kana チキン・リトル
Romaji Chikin Ritoru
JP Set 26
EN Set 22
Class Type Attributes
VIP Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
8790 / 12029 8895 / 12162 3 30 / 36
STR Sap II & Charge EX +6
1 turn: ↓ targets' STR by 2. Enemy countdown +1. HP recovery LV 2. Fills 4 gauges.
Damage (5 dots) x6.67 Target All
Damage (Max) x20.01 Gauges 0
Subslot +0.020% SAB Tier 7

Chicken Little is a VIP Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

It was available as a reward in the Chicken Little Challenge series of VIP Quests from October 30 to November 5, 2017 in the Japanese version, and January 22 to February 4, 2018 in the English version.[1][2]

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