Devil's Wave

Speed Attribute 861: Devil's Wave Reversed Attribute
Devil's Wave

Kana デビルズウェーブ
Romaji Debiruzu Wēbu
JP Set 17
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5528 / 7173 5537 / 7185 1 15 / 18
Dark Aeroga +5
Deals 5 immensely powerful hits.
Damage (Base) x4.08 Target Single
Damage (5 dots) x4.58 Gauges 5
Damage (Max) x9.16 SAB Tier 3
Speed Attribute 1367: Devil's Wave Reversed Attribute
Devil's Wave

Kana デビルズウェーブ
Romaji Debiruzu Wēbu
JP Set 17
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
8699 / 11912 8710 / 11926 1 15 / 18
Dark Aeroga +6
Deals 5 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3.
Damage (5 dots) x12.44 Target Single
Damage (Max) x24.88 Gauges 5
Subslot +0.005% SAB Tier 3

Devil's Wave is an Event Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ. It is the evolved version of Devil's Tower.