SN+ - KH III Dusk

This article is about the "SN+ KH III Dusk" Medal.
You may be looking for the "Illustrated Dusk" Medal.

Magic Attribute 1791: SN+ - KH III Dusk
1867: <SB+> KHIII Dusk
Reversed Attribute
SN+ - KH III Dusk
Phantasmagorical frights that morph and stretch as they fight.

Kana 《SB+》KHIII ダスク
Romaji <SB+> KHIII Dasuku
JP Set 51
EN Set 44
Class Type Attributes
VIP Attack Magic Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
25870 / 29000 13326 / 16279 5 15 / 18
Lesser Imitation II +6
Unleashes the same SP attack as the next Medal. Works only when set before a Medal.
Damage (5 dots) x9.53 Target Single
Damage (Max) x40.03 Gauges 3
Subslot +0.035% SAB Tier 10
Reversed Strike All M
1 turn: M-Medal STR +5000, self [↑ STR, R- & PSM-STR 10], SP ATK B +280%. Count +2. Gauge +5. Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.
Damage x220.00 Target All

SN+ - KH III Dusk is a VIP Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

When using SN+ - KH III Dusk's Special Attack, it copies the next Medal's Special Attack, damage multiplier, attribute, and target. Its strength, gauge cost, Special Attack Bonus, Skill, and Trait remain unchanged.

In the English version, SN+ - KH III Dusk was available in the Imitation Medal - SN+ - KH III Dusk series of VIP Quests from November 25 to December 1, 2019.[1]

Trait Medal edit

Trait Medal #161 (専用覚醒メダル #164 Sen'yō Kakusei Medaru #164?, lit. "Dedicated Awakening Medal #164") can be used to add or re-roll a trait on SN+ - KH III Dusk.

In the Japanese version, Dedicated Awakening Medal #164 was available in the 11/25/19 - 12/01/19 Imitation Medal - SN+ - KH III Dusk series of VIP Quests.

In the English version, Trait Medal #161 was available in the 11/25/19 - 12/01/19 Imitation Medal - SN+ - KH III Dusk series of VIP Quests.[1]

Notes and references edit