Stained Glass 4 (EX+)

This article is about one of the Stained Glass Medals.
You may be looking for other Stained Glass Medals.

Power Attribute 1009: Stained Glass #4 [EX+]
1082: KH Stained Glass #4 【EX Revision】
Reversed Attribute
Stained Glass #4 [EX+]
Official KINGDOM HEARTS stained glass art.

Kana KHステンドグラス #4 【EX改】
Romaji KH Sutendo Gurasu #43 【EX Kai】
JP Set 33
EN Set 25
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Power Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
6068 / 7874 5966 / 7742 3 80 / 96
Arcane Darkness +5
Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR & R-STR & P-STR by 7, SP ATK bonus +40%, ↓ targets' DEF by 4, P-DEF by 7. More damage the lower the slot number.
Damage (Base) x2.98 - 4.39 Target All
Damage (5 dots) x3.28 - 4.69 Gauges 2
Damage (Max) x10.82 - 15.48 SAB Tier 8
Power Attribute 1438: Stained Glass #4 [EX+]
1538: KH Stained Glass #4 【EX Revision】
Reversed Attribute
Stained Glass #4 [EX+]
Official KINGDOM HEARTS stained glass art.

Kana KHステンドグラス #4 【EX改】
Romaji KH Sutendo Gurasu #43 【EX Kai】
JP Set 33
EN Set 25
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Power Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
9329 / 12713 9210 / 12562 3 80 / 96
Arcane Darkness +6
Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR & R-STR & P-STR by 7, SP ATK bonus +40%, ↓ targets' DEF by 4, P-DEF by 7. Inflicts more damage the lower the slot number.
Damage (5 dots) x8.44 - 9.85 Target All
Damage (Max) x27.85 - 32.50 Gauges 2
Subslot +0.025% SAB Tier 8
Power Attribute 1438: SN - Stained Glass #4
1538: <SB> KH Stained Glass #4
Reversed Attribute
Stained Glass #4 [EX+]
Official KINGDOM HEARTS stained glass art.

Kana 《SB》 KHステンドグラス #4
Romaji <SB> KH Sutendo Gurasu #4
JP Set 33
EN Set 25
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Power Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
16623 / 19887 14074 / 15257 5 80 / 96
Arcane Darkness +7
Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: P-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, R- & P-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & P-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.
Damage (5 dots) x10.64 - 14.78 Target All
Damage (Max) x40.43 - 56.16 Gauges 2
Subslot +0.030% SAB Tier 9
Reversed Strike All P
1 turn: P-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & P-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, R- & P-DEF 7], SP ATK B +230%. Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.
Damage x160.00 Target All
Power Attribute 1438: SN+ - Stained Glass #4
1538: <SB+> KH Stained Glass #4
Reversed Attribute
Stained Glass #4 [EX+]
Official KINGDOM HEARTS stained glass art.

Kana 《SB+》 KHステンドグラス #4
Romaji <SB+> KH Sutendo Gurasu #4
JP Set 33
EN Set 25
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Power Reversed
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
23918 / 27062 15587 / 17953 5 80 / 96
Arcane Darkness +7
Deals 6 hits. 1 turn: P-Medal STR +1000, self [↑ STR, R- & P-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF & P-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%. Damage+: Lower slot number.
Damage (5 dots) x10.64 - 14.78 Target All
Damage (Max) x40.43 - 56.16 Gauges 2
Subslot +0.030% SAB Tier 9
Reversed Strike All P
1 turn: P-Medal +2000, self [↑ STR & P-STR 7], targets [↓ DEF, R- & P-DEF 7], SP ATK B +280%. Triggers before slot 2 is activated when defending in PVP.
Damage x200.00 Target All

Stained Glass #4 [EX+] is a Super Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Stained Glass #4 [EX+] can be evolved into SN - Stained Glass #4 by using 5 non-boosted 7★ Stained Glass #4 [EX+] Medals.

SN - Stained Glass #4 can be evolved into SN+ - Stained Glass #4 by using 5 Dual Meow Wow [SAB LV 9] Medals.

By going to the Medal Details screen and tapping on "Inspect", a fullscreen version of the artwork can be viewed.

In the English version, Stained Glass #4 [EX+] was only available in the 04/27/18 - 05/21/18 8 Million Downloads Deal. In this deal, players had a small chance of drawing a boosted version of Stained Glass #4 [EX+] that has 1,000 more base strength and defense.[1]

Trait Medal edit

Trait Medal #13 (専用覚醒メダル #15 Sen'yō Kakusei Medaru #15?, lit. "Dedicated Awakening Medal #15") can be used to add or re-roll a trait on Stained Glass #4 [EX+].

In the English version, Trait Medal #13 was available during the 04/27/18 - 05/21/18 "8 Million Downloads Deal".[1]

In the Japanese version, Dedicated Awakening Medal #15 was available during the 05/01/18 - 05/21/18 "8 Million DL Commemorative Draw".

Gallery edit

Notes and references edit