Quest 310: Coliseum Tournament: Finals

Revision as of 04:57, 15 June 2021 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)
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« Quest 310
Coliseum Tournament: Finals
Main Round of the Tournament - Finals

Maps: Coliseum
Kana 闘技大会本選 決勝
Rōmaji Tōgi Taikai Honsen Kesshō
AP Level Raid Boss
18 102 Savage Spider
Speed AttributeCloud
EN Objectives
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn 6 Avatar Coin
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn "Cloud" Title
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn "クラウド" Title
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
150 Jewels
10000 Munny
"Underworld" Title
3 Iron Ore
3 Gold Ore
5 Ember
JP Quest Rewards
150 Jewels
10000 Munny
"冥界の" Title
« Quest 310
Coliseum Tournament: Finals
Main Round of the Tournament - Finals

Maps: Coliseum
Kana 闘技大会本選 決勝
Rōmaji Tōgi Taikai Honsen Kesshō
AP Level Raid Boss
10 219 Savage Spider
Target Keyblade
Speed AttributeCloud Power AttributeTreasure Trove
Only single-target special attacks allowed.
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Use 5 or more special attacks 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 5 or more Reversed medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Use 5 or more special attacks 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 5 or more Reversed medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
150 Jewels
3 Iron Ore
3 Gold Ore
5 Ember
JP Quest Rewards
150 Jewels

Quest 310 takes place in Olympus Coliseum.

Story summary edit

The Player wins the finale, but Hercules reveals the entire tournament was a trick from Hades to take the winner to the Underworld. Cloud volunteers to be taken, and Hercules and The Player follow them.

Script edit

After quest
The Player raises their Keyblade in victory. As Phil congratulations them, Cloud attempts to strike The Player from behind, but Hercules blocks the attack.

  I don't think so.

Hercules turns to Phil.

  We were tricked, Phil.
This whole tournament's a sham.

  Whaddaya mean, a sham!?

  Look at the entry sheet.
Phil looks at a piece of paper.

...Hey, wait a second,

  there's somethin' written here real small...

  "The winner will receive
a free trip to the Underworld."
What kind of a prize is that!?

  One only you-know-who would think up.
Hades appears.

  That's right, Wonderboy!
This tournament was a production of yours truly.

  Of course, I was expecting YOU to enter, but hey, I'm a flexible guy.

  And we'd all die of boredom if things always went according to plan—
not that that's a bad thing...

  So which of you is my champ?

Nobody won,
so you can keep your "prize."

Hades gets mad.

  I'll go with you.
Hades calms down.

  Who're you?
Hades gets closer to Cloud to examine him.

So are we going or not?

You don't know what you're getting yourself into.

  The Underworld ain't just dark and scary.
It's the land of the dead!

  I know.

  The Underworld...
Seems like his kind of place.

Gotta say, I was not expecting a volunteer, but...
I'll take what I can get.
Hades and Cloud disappear.

  I don't like this. We have to go after him.
Hercules attempts to leave.


  Don't try and stop me, Phil.

  I'm not. Just listen,
I got two words for you:
Make. Him. Pay!
Hercules nods and leaves. The Player asks Phil something.

  Don't know what to tell ya, kid.
But the tournament's definitely canceled.
Trust me, you don't wanna get involved with a guy like Hades.
So go home before it's too late.
Phil leaves. The Player looks sad. Chirithy appears.

  I'm with him, kiddo!
Let's skedaddle!
Your heart's still not strong enough to take on the darkness in the Underworld.
The Player says something.

  I had a feeling you'd say that.
That's why...
Chirithy summons a Corridor.

  I had a gate prepared for you.

  But be careful.
Beyond the gate
is a kingdom rules by darkness.
Don't let your guard down even for a second!
The Player nods.

  Bon voyage!
The Player steps through the Corridor.

Follow Cloud and Hades into the Underworld.

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 3 Soldiers Coliseum
 1 Munny Egg Coliseum Has a chance of appearing
  Cloud Coliseum Target enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 5

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Coliseum