Quest 835: Seeking Alice

Revision as of 00:10, 27 August 2022 by ShardofTruth (talk | contribs)
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« Quest 835
Seeking Alice
Let's Find Alice

Maps: Fork in the Road, White Rabbit's House
Kana アリスを見つけよう
Rōmaji Arisu o Mitsukeyou
AP Level
0 1100
Magic AttributeTrickmaster
EN Objectives
Complete within 2 turns 5 Avatar Coin
Complete within 2 turns "World of" Title
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Complete within 2 turns 5 Avatar Coin
Complete within 2 turns "" Title
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
250 Jewels
Dewey 6★
JP Quest Rewards
250 Jewels
Dewey 6★
« Quest 835
Seeking Alice
Let's Find Alice

Maps: Fork in the Road, White Rabbit's House
Kana アリスを見つけよう
Rōmaji Arisu o Mitsukeyou
AP Level
0 3200
Target Keyblade
Magic AttributeTrickmaster Fairy Stars
Only special attacks dealing 5 or more hits allowed.
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Complete within 00'20"00 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Equip 1 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Complete within 00'20"00 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Equip 1 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
300 Jewels
JP Quest Rewards
300 Jewels

Quest 835 takes place in Wonderland.

Story summary edit

The Player finds Alice. After the Cheshire Cat promises The Player to keep an eye on Alice, The Player heads off to check on the next world.

Script edit

After quest edit

  • Alice: "Oh dear! You found me."
  • Alice: "Well, I've had enough hide-and-seek for one day. Hmm, what shall we do next?"
  • Alice: "Oh, I know! We shall play a trick on that mean old queen and hide something of hers. Yes, her scepter!"
  • Cheshire Cat: "No need to worry."
  • Cheshire Cat: "Alice has another engagement. All to do with tea and hats and unbirthdays."
  • Cheshire Cat: "You mustn't worry. I'll keep an eye on her. Both eyes, in fact."
  • Cheshire Cat: "Boredom is such a tricky foe. Perhaps you can defeat it like you defeat the others."

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Trickmaster
 1 Emerald Sonata
White Rabbit's House Target enemy
30-hit count
Total Number of Enemies: 2

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Fork in the Road
Item Prize Fork in the Road