FFRK Terra

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This article is about the Medal based on Terra from the Final Fantasy series.
You may be looking for Terra from the Kingdom Hearts series.

Magic Attribute 982: FFRK Terra
1065: Tina FFRK Ver
Upright Attribute
FFRK Terra
FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper collaboration event Medal.

Kana ティナ FFRK Ver
Romaji Tina FFRK Ver
JP Set 30
EN Set 23
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5852 / 7594 5740 / 7449 3 80 / 96
Flare Break +5
8 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR by 7, ↓ target's U-DEF by 2, SP ATK bonus +30%. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss parts). Enemy countdown +2.
Damage (Base) x3.97 - 7.12 Target Single
Damage (5 dots) x4.17 - 7.32 Gauges 5
Damage (Max) x12.51 - 21.96 SAB Tier 7
Magic Attribute 1424: FFRK Terra
1522: Tina FFRK Ver
Upright Attribute
FFRK Terra
FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper collaboration event Medal.

Kana ティナ FFRK Ver
Romaji Tina FFRK Ver
JP Set 30
EN Set 23
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
9077 / 12393 8947 / 12227 3 80 / 96
Flare Break +6
8 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR by 7, U-STR by 3, ↓ target's U-DEF by 2, SP ATK bonus +30%. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss parts). Enemy countdown +2.
Damage (5 dots) x12.03 - 15.18 Target Single
Damage (Max) x36.09 - 45.54 Gauges 5
Subslot +0.020% SAB Tier 7

FFRK Terra is a Super Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

In the English version, FFRK Terra was only available in the 02/22/18 - 03/08/18 Final Fantasy Record Keeper Deal. In this deal, players had a small chance of drawing a boosted version of FFRK Terra that has 1,000 more base strength and defense. During the period, the Medal came with its Special Attack strengthened to 5 dots.[1]

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