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Special Attack
Abilities are the special attacks attached to each medal. These abilities are utilized by dragging the medal from the corner into combat. Abilities are either 'single target' or 'area of effect', referring to the number of enemies struck by the attack, and all abilities have a gauge cost which must be paid to execute the attack.The number of attacks made by abilities tends to increase as the medal increases in power. For example, Yuna's Ability has one attack at 1★ and 2★, two attacks at 3★, 4★ and 5★, and three attacks at 6★.Other abilities increase in power if certain requirements are met. For example, Tifa's Ability increases in power if used against an enemy inflicted with the Sleep status.AerogaMeow WowAttack UpAttack Up is a single target ability that gives a 25% increase to medals.AerithDiZViviAttack Up DoubleAttack Up Double is a single target ability that gives a 25% increase to the current medal and the next medal.HaynerPenceOletteBlizzagaSelphieLeon KHII Version ABlizzard RaidWakkaRiku KH VersionBrave EndRiku KH3D VersionCuraTinkerbellDaisyCuragaMinnieCureJiminy CricketEsunaAbuPlutoFiragaAuronYunaFire DashRikkuSora KHII Version AFire RaidPaineMushuFlame BreakHerculesFlame RaveRiku KHII VersionFreeze BreakGoofy BFreeze RaveSora KHII Version BGlacier SwordDonald BIce DashTidusMulanIcicle SpearGenieYuffie KH VersionLast ArcanumCloud KH VersionLeon KHII Version BM Attack UpAerith KH VersionM Protect UpBambiP Attack UpPhilP Protect UpDr. Jumba JookibaRevenge SwordSora Wisdom Form VersionRush RaidTeen HerculesS Attack UpWhite RabbitS Protect UpDumboSeventh BladeSeventh Blade is an area of effect attack which has no attribute, meaning it will always deal neutral damage to enemies regardless of their attribute.Seventh Blade has a gauge cost of 3.Jack SkellingtonKing Mickey Black Coat VersionSonic ArcanumSora KH3D VersionSonic BreakSora Master Form VersionStitchSonic RavePeter PanTifaSpark BreakRiku KHII Black Coat VersionSpark DashSora KH Version ASora KH Version BSpark RaveSora Limit Form VersionStrike Raidald ADonald Magician VersionThunder RaidGoofy AGoofy Knight VersionTornadoTornado is an area of effect attack which reduces the enemy's defense against all attributes by 1 step for the duration of the attack.Tornado has a gauge cost of 4.Goofy Halloween Town VersionSora Halloween Town VersionDonald Halloween Town VersionWind BreakWind Break is a single target ability which always deals a set amount of damage to the enemy regardless of their defense power.Wind Break has a gauge cost of 2.BeastWind RaveWind Rave is a single target ability which always deals a set amount of damage to the enemy regardless of their defense power.Wind Rave has a gauge cost of 2.Yuffie KHII Version
Esuna is a single target ability that removes negative status effects from the user when used.
Esuna has a gauge cost of 2.
Fire Dash
Fire Raid
Flame Break
Flame Rave
Freeze Break
Freeze Rave
Glacier Sword
Ice Dash
Icicle Spear
Icicle Spear is an area of effect ability that deals additional damage to enemies that are paralyzed.
Icicle Spear has a gauge cost of 3.
Last Arcanum
Last Arcanum is a single target ability that becomes more powerful the closer the user is to full HP.
Last Arcanum has a gauge cost of 2.
M Attack Up
M Protect Up
P Attack Up
P Protect Up
Revenge Sword
Rush Raid
Rush Raid is an area of effect attack that becomes more powerful the closer it is to the last slot in your deck.
Rush Raid has a gauge cost of 2.
S Attack Up
S Protect Up
Seventh Blade
Seventh Blade is an area of effect attack which has no attribute, meaning it will always deal neutral damage to enemies regardless of their attribute.
Seventh Blade has a gauge cost of 3.
King Mickey Black Coat Version
Sonic Arcanum
Sonic Arcanum is a single target ability that deals heavy damage. It has a unique animation.
Sonic Arcanum has a gauge cost of 4.
Sonic Break
Sonic Break is a single target ability that deals more damage as your ability gauge gets closer to 0.
Sonic Break has a gauge cost of 1.
Sonic Rave
Sonic Rave is a single target ability that deals additional damage to enemies that are asleep.
Sonic Rage has a gauge cost of 3.
Spark Break
Spark Dash
Spark Rave
Strike Raid
Strike Raid is an area of effect ability that deals additional damage to enemies that are poisoned.
Strike Raid has a gauge cost of 3.
Thunder Raid
Goofy A
Goofy Knight Version
Tornado is an area of effect attack which reduces the enemy's defense against all attributes by 1 step for the duration of the attack.
Tornado has a gauge cost of 4.
Wind Break
Wind Break is a single target ability which always deals a set amount of damage to the enemy regardless of their defense power.
Wind Break has a gauge cost of 2.
Wind Rave
Wind Rave is a single target ability which always deals a set amount of damage to the enemy regardless of their defense power.
Wind Rave has a gauge cost of 2.