Moana Event: Intermediate

Revision as of 03:31, 11 December 2016 by ShardofTruth (talk | contribs)
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Moana Event: Intermediate in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ is the second quest of the Celebrate Moana - Get an Avatar & Medals! Event.

Moana Event: Intermediate

Maps: Boardwalk
AP Level Raid Boss
5 50 Behemoth
Speed AttributeWibble Wobble
EN Objectives
Complete without having to continue 30 Jewels
Defeat 10 or more enemies 30 Jewels
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Moogle 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None 10[?] Curative Leaf
4 Copper Ore
JP Quest Rewards

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Wibble Wobble Boardwalk
 1 Wibble Wobble Boardwalk
 2 Wibble Wobbles Boardwalk
 2 Wibble Wobbles Boardwalk
 2 Wibble Wobbles Boardwalk
 2 Wibble Wobbles Boardwalk
 2 Wibble Wobbles Boardwalk
 2 Wibble Wobbles Boardwalk
 1 Wibble Wobble
 2 Wibble Wobbles
Boardwalk Target enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 17

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Boardwalk
Attack Prize Boardwalk
Attack Prize Boardwalk
Attack Prize Boardwalk

Quest walkthrough edit