Halloween Sora A

Revision as of 09:57, 23 October 2017 by LightKeyDarkBlade (talk | contribs)
This article is about one of the Medals based on Sora.
You may be looking for other Sora Medals or other uses of Sora.

Speed Attribute 493: Halloween Sora A Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
EN Set 6
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
2511 2454 1 15 / 18
Tornado +2
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.83 Target All
Damage (1 dot) x1.87 Gauges 3
Speed Attribute 494: Halloween Sora A Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
EN Set 6
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
3130 3059 1 15 / 18
Tornado +3
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.87 Target All
Damage (2 dots) x1.99 Gauges 3
Speed Attribute 495: Halloween Sora A Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
EN Set 6
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
3900 3813 1 15 / 18
Tornado +4
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.91 Target All
Damage (3 dots) x0 Gauges 3
Speed Attribute 496: Halloween Sora A Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
EN Set 6
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5030 4917 1 15 / 18
Tornado +5
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.99 Target All
Damage (5 dots) x0 Gauges 3
Damage (Max) x SAB Tier 3

Speed Attribute 330: Sora HT Ver Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
JP Set 2
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
2511 2454 1 15 / 18
Tornado +2
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.83 Target All
Damage (1 dot) x1.87 Gauges 4
Speed Attribute 331: Sora HT Ver Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
JP Set 2
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
3130 3059 1 15 / 18
Tornado +3
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.87 Target All
Damage (2 dots) x1.99 Gauges 4
Speed Attribute 332: Sora HT Ver Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
JP Set 2
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
3900 3813 1 15 / 18
Tornado +4
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.91 Target All
Damage (3 dots) x0 Gauges 4
Speed Attribute 333: Sora HT Ver Upright Attribute
Halloween Sora A
The Keyblade-wielding hero in a Halloween getup.

Kana ソラ HT Ver
Romaji Sora HT Ver
JP Set 2
Class Type Attributes
Event Attack Speed Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5030 4917 1 15 / 18
Tornado +5
Deals 3 hits. Lowers defense of all attributes of all targets by 1 tier for 1 attack.
Damage (Base) x1.99 Target All
Damage (5 dots) x0 Gauges 4
Damage (Max) x SAB Tier 2

Halloween Sora A, previously known as "Halloween Sora", is an Event Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

In the English version, Halloween Sora A was available during the Fight Halloween Heartless - Get Halloween Sora! event from October 7 to 20, 2016.[1] In the Halloween Raid Event! from October 17 to 23, 2016, all participants in a party who defeat a level 90 Red Trident Tail Raid Boss will be rewarded with a 6★ Halloween Sora A Medal.[2]

In the English version, Halloween Sora A was available again during the Get Past Event Medals! Union Cross Event, from October 9 to 15, 2017.[3]


Notes and references