A Beginner's Welcome - 3/5

Revision as of 12:15, 21 December 2018 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)
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A Beginner's Welcome - 3/5 in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ is the third quest of the second Enhancement Support Quests! series of Event Quests.

A Beginner's Welcome - 3/5

Maps: Curious Room, Forest Grove, Forest Thicket, Morning Dew Grove: Clearing
AP Level Raid Boss
5 200 Savage Spider
Speed AttributeGargoyle
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 3 Cid 6★
Defeat High Wizard x 1 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Complete within 01'30"00 1 Huey & Dewey & Louie 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None 9 Strange Leaf
5 White Flower Dew
6 Broken Biscuit
JP Quest Rewards

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 3 Rainy Loudmouths Curious Room
 2 Nimble Bees Forest Grove
 1 Wibble Wobble Forest Grove
 2 Ice Plants Forest Grove
 3 Darkballs Forest Thicket
 1 Neoshadow Forest Thicket
 1 Gargoyle
 1 Dual Blade
 1 Paralysis Archer
Morning Dew Grove: Clearing Target enemy

2-attack count
 1 High Wizard Morning Dew Grove: Clearing
Total Number of Enemies: 16

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Curious Room
HP Prize Forest Thicket
HP Prize Morning Dew Grove: Clearing
Attack Prize Morning Dew Grove: Clearing
Item Prize Morning Dew Grove: Clearing