FFRK High Score Event

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FFRK High Score Event
Record Keeper High Score Event

Maps: Dungeon, Entrance, Entrance Hall, East Wing, Belle's Room

Kana レコードキーパーハイスコアイベント
Rōmaji Rekōdo Kīpā Hai Sukoa Ibento
AP Level Raid Boss
0[1] 1 Behemoth
Power AttributeShadow

EN Objectives
Defeat 35 or more enemies 30 Jewels
Use 15 or more special attacks 1 Chip 6★
Collect 500 or more Lux 1 Huey & Dewey & Louie 6★
JP Objectives
Defeat 35 or more enemies 30 Jewels
Use 15 or more special attacks 1 Chip 6★
Collect 500 or more Lux 1 Huey & Dewey & Louie 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards
Score Reward
5,000,000 6★ Magic Mirror x1
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x1
10,000,000 5★ Chip x3
5★ Dale x3
30,000,000 6★ Chip x1
6★ Dale x1
40,000,000 6★ Magic Mirror x5
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x2
50,000,000 6★ Magic Mirror x7
6★ Huey & Dewey & Louie x3
60,000,000 6★ FFRK Warrior of Light x2
6★ Cid x1
Ranking Reward
1~1000 6★ FFRK Warrior of Light (Boosted)
6★ FFRK Warrior of Light (••••

) x1
6★ Magic Mirror x5
Magic Gem x3
6★ Chip x3
6★ Dale x3

1001~2,000 6★ FFRK Warrior of Light (•••••

) x1
6★ Magic Mirror x5
Magic Gem x2
6★ Chip x1
6★ Dale x1

2,001~5,000 6★ FFRK Warrior of Light x1
6★ Magic Mirror x5
Magic Gem x1
6★ Chip x1
6★ Dale x1
5,001~10,000 6★ Magic Mirror x4
6★ Chip x1
6★ Dale x1
10,001~20,000 6★ Magic Mirror x3
5★ Chip x2
5★ Dale x2
20,001~40,000 6★ Magic Mirror x2
5★ Chip x2
5★ Dale x2
40,001~100,000 6★ Magic Mirror x1

FFRK High Score Event in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ is the only quest of the thirty-fifth High Score Challenge Event.

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 3 Shadows Entrance LV 25
 4 Red Gummi Copters Entrance LV 50
 3 Red Roses Entrance LV 75
 2 Wicked Wicks Entrance Hall LV 100
 3 Large Bodies Entrance Hall LV 200
 4 Armored Knights Entrance Hall LV 300
 7 Powerwilds Entrance Hall LV 400
 3 Gargoyle Knights East Wing A LV 500
 3 Defenders East Wing A LV 600
 3 Mega-Shadows East Wing A LV 700
 2 Fat Bandits East Wing B LV 800
 1 Wyvern East Wing B LV 900
 3 Gigas Shadows East Wing B LV 1000
 1 Dual Durandal East Wing B LV 1100; 4-attack count
 1 Martial Monkey East Wing B LV 1300
 1 Gear Golem East Wing C LV 1500; 30-hit count
 1 Shadow Belle's Room Target enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 45
Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 3 Soldiers Entrance LV 25
 4 Yellow Gummi Copters Entrance LV 50
 3 Creeper Plants Entrance LV 75
 2 Wibble Wobbles Entrance Hall LV 100
 3 Ratty Rats Entrance Hall LV 200
 4 Armored Archers Entrance Hall LV 300
 7 Wight Knights Entrance Hall LV 400; 3-attack count
 3 Air Soldiers East Wing A LV 500
 3 Search Ghosts East Wing A LV 600
 3 Dual Blades East Wing A LV 700
 2 Black Copter Fleets East Wing B LV 800
 1 Circus Clown East Wing B LV 900
 3 Invisibles East Wing B LV 1000
 1 Blitz Spear East Wing B LV 1100
 1 Gold Hammer Frame East Wing B LV 1300; 15-hit count
 1 Assault Dragon East Wing C LV 1500; 20-attack count
 1 Shadow Belle's Room Target enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 45
Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 3 Red Nocturnes Entrance LV 25
 4 Blue Gummi Copters Entrance LV 50
 3 Wizards Entrance LV 75
 2 Darkballs Entrance Hall LV 100
 3 Ice Plants Entrance Hall LV 200
 4 Golden Hook Bats Entrance Hall LV 300; 10-hit count
 7 Red Bandits Entrance Hall LV 400
 3 Fire Plants East Wing A LV 500
 3 Ring-A-Dings East Wing A LV 600
 3 Warlock Steps East Wing A LV 700; 3-attack count
 2 Blue Copter Fleets East Wing B LV 800
 1 Shadow Magician East Wing B LV 900
 3 Wayward Wardrobes East Wing B LV 1000
 1 Chill Ripper East Wing B LV 1100
 1 Mean Maiden East Wing B LV 1300; 7-attack count
 1 Guard Armor Ω East Wing C LV 1500
 1 Shadow Belle's Room Target enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 45

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Dungeon
HP Prize Dungeon
Item Prize Dungeon

Quest walkthrough edit

Score Bonus Medals
21% 14% 14% 14% 7%
7% 7% 7%

Notes and references edit

  1. This quest coincided with a 0 AP event