SN+ - Second Form Sora

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This article is about the "SN+ - Second Form Sora" Medal.
You may be looking for other uses of Sora.

Magic Attribute 1767: SN+ - Second Form Sora
1861: <SB+> KHIII Sora 2nd F Ver
Upright Attribute
SN+ - Second Form Sora
A new form of the Keyblade-wielding hero.

Kana 《SB+》KHIII ソラ 2nd F Ver
Romaji <SB+> KHIII Sora 2nd F Ver
JP Set 50
EN Set 43
Class Type Attributes
Super Rare Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
28308 / ??? 13313 / ??? 5 270 / 324
Sono Arcanum EX+ +6
Deals 11 hits. 1 turn: U-Medal STR +1500, self [↑ STR & M-STR 10], targets [↓ DEF, U- & M-DEF 10], SP ATK B +200%.
Damage (5 dots) x17.80 Target All
Damage (Max) x74.76 Gauges 2
Subslot +0.035% SAB Tier 10
Upright Strike All M
1 turn: U-Medal STR +4000, self [↑ STR, U- & M-STR 10], SP ATK B +280%. Count +3. Triggers before slot 3 is activated when defending in PVP.
Damage x220.00 Target All

SN+ - Second Form Sora is a Super Rare Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

In the English version, SN+ - Second Form Sora was first available in the 10/25/19 - 11/04/19 SN+ - Second Form Sora deal. In these deals, players had a small chance of drawing a boosted version of SN+ - Second Form Sora that has 1,000 more base strength and defense.[1]

Trait Medal

Trait Medal #155 (専用覚醒メダル #158 Sen'yō Kakusei Medaru #158?, lit. "Dedicated Awakening Medal #158") can be used to add or re-roll a trait on SN+ - Second Form Sora.

In the Japanese version, Dedicated Awakening Medal #158 was available in the 10/11/19 - 10/24/19 "KHIII Special Draw", the 10/11/19 - 10/31/19 SN+ - KH III Saïx B Trait Medal Limited VIP Boards, and the Moogle Shop from October 11 to 30, 2019.

In the English version, Trait Medal #155 was available in the 10/25/19 - 11/04/19 "SN+ - Second Form Sora" deal, the 10/25/19 - 11/04/19 SN+ - Second Form Sora Trait Medal Limited VIP Boards, and the Moogle Shop from October 25 to November 4, 2019.

Notes and references