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Defense Boost P

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Defense Boost P is a series of Special Attacks in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Defense Boost P

Dr. Jumba Jookiba
Defense Boost P (Pプロテクトアップ P Purotekuto Appu?, lit. "P Protect Up")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
3★ Raises Power-based defense by 1 tier for 1 turn. x1.39 x1.41 Single 2
4★ Raises Power-based defense by 1 tier for 1 turn. x1.41 x1.43 x1.47 Single 2
5★ Raises Power-based defense by 1 tier for 1 turn. x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 Single 2
6★ Raises Power-based defense by 1 tier for 1 turn. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x2.51 Single 2 2
7★ 1 turn: ↑ P-DEF by 1. x9.53 x14.29 Single 2 2

Defense Burst P Plus

Olette B
Defense Burst P Plus (PプロテクトアップロングEX P Purotekuto Appu Rongu EX?, lit. "P Protect Up Long EX")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
5★ Raises P-DEF by 1 tier for 2 turns. Slightly recovers HP. x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 Single 3
6★ Raises P-DEF by 1 tier for 2 turns. Slightly recovers HP. x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 x3.34 Single 3 3

DEF Boost P Plus

DEF Boost P Plus (Pプロテクトアッププロング P Purotekuto Appu Rongu?, lit. "P Protect Up Long")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
4★ Raises P-DEF 1 tier for 3 turns. x1.41 x1.43 x1.47 Single 3
5★ Raises P-DEF 1 tier for 3 turns. x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 Single 3
