Toon Sora & Goofy

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This article is about the "Toon Sora & Goofy" Medal.
You may be looking for other uses of Sora or other uses of Goofy.

Magic Attribute 1461: Toon Sora & Goofy
1554: Sora & Goofy Toon Ver
Upright Attribute
Toon Sora & Goofy
Official art from the KINGDOM HEARTS manga series.

Kana ソラ&グーフィー Toon Ver
Romaji Sora & Gūfī Toon Ver
JP Set 33
EN Set 27
Class Type Attributes
VIP Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
5787 / 7510 5712 / 7412 3 15 / 18
Raindrop +5
Deals 4 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR by 7, U-STR by 3. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Removes target's status effects.
Damage (Base) x3.97 - 7.12 Target Single
Damage (5 dots) x4.17 - 7.32 Gauges 5
Damage (Max) x13.76 - 24.16 SAB Tier 8
Magic Attribute 1462: Toon Sora & Goofy
1555: Sora & Goofy Toon Ver
Upright Attribute
Toon Sora & Goofy
Official art from the KINGDOM HEARTS manga series.

Kana ソラ&グーフィー Toon Ver
Romaji Sora & Gūfī Toon Ver
JP Set 33
EN Set 27
Class Type Attributes
VIP Attack Magic Upright
STR DEF Trait Slots Spirit Points
9002 / 12297 8914 / 12185 3 15 / 18
Raindrop +6
Deals 4 hits. 1 turn: ↑ STR by 7, U-STR by 3. Inflicts more damage with 1 enemy left (incl. raid boss). Removes target's status effects.
Damage (5 dots) x12.03 - 15.18 Target Single
Damage (Max) x39.70 - 50.09 Gauges 5
Subslot +0.025% SAB Tier 8

Toon Sora & Goofy is a VIP Attack Medal in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

By going to the Medal Details screen and tapping on "Inspect", a fullscreen version of the artwork can be viewed.

It was available in the Toon Sora & Goofy Challenge series of VIP Quests from May 28 to June 3, 2018 in the Japanese version, and June 11 to 24, 2018 in the English version.[1][2]

In the Japanese version, it was available again during the "3rd Anniversary Reprint Medals" series of VIP Quests from September 10 to 16, 2018.

Trait Medal edit

Trait Medal #17 (専用覚醒メダル #20 Sen'yō Kakusei Medaru #20?, lit. "Dedicated Awakening Medal #20") can be used to add or re-roll a trait on Toon Sora & Goofy.

In the Japanese version, Dedicated Awakening Medal #20 was available in the 05/28/18 - 06/03/18 "Sora & Goofy Toon Ver Challenge", and the 09/10/18 - 09/16/18 "3rd Anniversary Reprint Medals".

In the English version, Trait Medal #17 was available during the 06/11/18 - 06/24/18 "Toon Sora & Goofy Challenge".[1][2]

Gallery edit

Notes and references edit