Defeat the White Mushroom - 3/5

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Defeat the White Mushroom - 3/5 in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ is the third quest in the Defeat White Mushroom series of Event Quests.

Defeat the White Mushroom - 3/5

Maps: White Rabbit's House
AP Level
5 1000
Power AttributeWhite Mushroom
EN Objectives
Defeat the target within 3 turns for 10 gems 10 Magic Gem
Complete within 5 turns for 3 Chip & Dale Medals 3 SP Chip & Dale 6★
Complete without having to continue 10 Avatar Coin
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Lion Dancer
 1 Cloudy Sunrise
White Rabbit's House LV 300
 1 Lion Dancer White Rabbit's House LV 300
 3 Cloudy Sunrises White Rabbit's House LV 300
 1 White Mushroom
 2 Cloudy Sunrises
White Rabbit's House Target enemy; slot 4 counter
Total Number of Enemies: 9

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize White Rabbit's House
Barrel (Attack Prize) White Rabbit's House
Barrel (Attack Prize) White Rabbit's House
Barrel (Attack Prize) White Rabbit's House