Defeat the Closehanded Captain - 8/10 (December 2020)

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Defeat the Closehanded Captain - 8/10 in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ is the eighth quest in the second Defeat Closehanded Captain series of Event Quests.

Defeat the Closehanded Captain - 8/10

Maps: Shipwreck Shore
AP Level
5 4250
Speed AttributeClosehanded Captain
EN Objectives
Complete within 3 turns 10 Avatar Coin
Complete within 5 turns 5 Dale 6★
Complete without having to continue 1 Spirit Lord Kyroo (SAB LV 9) 7★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Closehanded Captain Shipwreck Shore Target enemy; 4-attack count
Total Number of Enemies: 1

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Shipwreck Shore