Episode 2: The Presence of Darkness

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« Episode 2: The Presence of Darkness »
Episode walkthrough
Quest No. 21 
 Quest No. 22 
 Quest No. 23 
 Quest No. 24 
 Quest No. 25 
 Quest No. 26 
 Quest No. 27 
Quest No. 28
 Quest No. 29 
 Quest No. 30 
Main Mission No. 30 (1/2): Obtain 10000 BP
(2/2): Defeat 10 enemies in Wonderland ★★★
 Quest No. 31 
 Quest No. 32 
 Quest No. 33
 Quest No. 34 
 Quest No. 35 
 Quest No. 36 
 Quest No. 37 
 Quest No. 38 
 Quest No. 39 
 Quest No. 40 

Episode 2: The Presence of Darkness is the second episode of Kingdom Hearts Dark Road.

Story summary edit

Xehanort's party is waiting for the others to arrive in Wonderland when they learn the others have been put on trial. Xehanort and Eraqus try to stop the trial, but are attacked by a giant Heartless. After the Heartless attack, the Keyblade wielders manage to escape, and decide to split up; Xehanort's party continue their search in Wonderland, while the others move on to the next world.

Four years later, Xehanort is put on trial himself.

Quest No. 21 edit

Before quest

[On Destiny Islands, Xehanort wakes up with a tear running down his face.]

  • Xehanort: "I never really thought about who I was."

[A robed figure approaches Xehanort.]

  • Xehanort: "Not until I began to wonder who others were."

[The scene moves to the classroom in Scala ad Caelum.]

  • Xehanort: "Day after day, I spend my time with the same classmates in the same classroom. The days are peaceful and a little boring, but they're also familiar and comfortable."

[The screen turns black.]

  • Xehanort: "Even so, my new life is just like the old."

[The scene goes back to the Destiny Islands, with Xehanort entering a Corridor of Darkness.]

  • Xehanort: "A different world, but with the same days playing out over and over again. I left the island behind to come here, and yet..."

[The scene moves to Scala ad Caelum, where Xehanort sits on a bench and Eraqus walks up and joins him.]

  • Xehanort: "Maybe it's not about the place. Maybe it's about me... ...and how I engage with others. How we influence one another and the world around us."
  • Xehanort: "Maybe that's what shapes our hearts and who we are...and who we will become."

[The scene moves to Wonderland, where Xehanort stand leaning against a tree.]

  • Xehanort: "All kinds of things can influence the growth of a heart. Change can come from anywhere, from the smallest, simplest thing. From light, or from darkness."
  • Eraqus: "They should be here by now."
  • <Party member>: "What? YOU'RE late all the time."
  • Eraqus: "Fashionably late!"
  • <Party member>: "Says you!"
  • Eraqus: "Hey, there's an art to my—"
  • Xehanort: "Shh. We're being watched."
  • Eraqus: "It's about time they showed up!"
  • Eraqus: "Agh!"
  • Xehanort: "What is it?"
  • <Party member>: "What's wrong?"

[Eraqus points to a pair of eyes in a tree, and the Cheshire Cat appears.]

  • Cheshire Cat: "♪'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves...♪"
  • <Party member>: "Where did—?"
  • Xehanort: "Who are you?"
  • Cheshire Cat: "A cheshire cat, if you please. Or if you don't."
  • Eraqus: "A cat? Man, you scared me!"
  • Cheshire Cat: "Hmm...there's no point waiting around for your friends to arrive."
  • Xehanort: "How did you know we're waiting for our friends?"
  • Cheshire Cat: "Mmm... I'll never tell."
  • Eraqus: "Can you help us? Do you know where they are?"
  • Cheshire Cat: "Why, they're under lock... And, of course, key, too."
  • Xehanort, Eraqus, and <Party member>: "!"
  • Xehanort: "What!? Where?"
  • Cheshire Cat: "Exactly? What or where?"

[The Cheshire Cat disappears.]

  • Eraqus: "Hey, wait!"
  • <Party member>: "So what's the plan?"
  • Xehanort: "Well, we don't have much to go off of."
  • Eraqus: "But we have to do something! Start looking for— Agh!"

[The Cheshire Cat's head appears in a different tree.]

  • Cheshire Cat: "Or just wait. The answer will be here rather soon."

[The Cheshire Cat disappears again.]

  • Eraqus: "Is he really gone this time...?"
  • <Party member>: "What did he mean anyway?"
  • Xehanort: "Beats me."
  • Xehanort: "Ah, that might be our answer."

[Three Playing Cards surround the trio.]

  • <Party member>: "What now?"
  • Ace of Spades: "More intruders?! It's not good to cause a ruckus in Her Majesty's kingdom, you know."
  • Eraqus: "We're just looking for our friends."
  • Three of Spades: "Not that that would matter."
  • Two of Spades: "We'd best seize them."
  • Eraqus: "Hey, listen to me!"
  • ???: "Hurry!"

[The Ace of Hearts walks up.]

  • Ace of Hearts: "The trial's about to begin!"
  • Three of Spades: "But we spotted some suspicious—"
  • Ace of Hearts: "No time for that! If you're late, you'll lose your heads!"

[The Playing Cards run off.]

  • Eraqus: "So...that's it?"
  • <Party member>: "I guess we're off the hook."
  • Xehanort: "For now. But I'm not so sure about the others."
  • <Party member>: "What do you mean?"
  • Xehanort: ""More intruders," he said— which means he must've run into people who looked like us before."
  • Eraqus: "That's it!"
  • Eraqus: "The cat said our friends were under lock and key, and those soldiers were talking about a trial. That's gotta be where they are."
  • <Party member>: "Wait, a trial? For what?"
  • Xehanort: ""I don't know. Seems like this worlds has its own weird set of rules."
  • <Party member>: "At least now we know where to go."
  • Eraqus: "Then what are we waiting for?"
# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Number of enemies: 5
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Shadow LV 11 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 13 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 13 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 13 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 15 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 16 Paralysis Water WindLight
Chomper Egg LV 17 Fire LightningWind
Flower Rider LV 17 Water FireWind
Sparkler LV 18 FireLightning Water
Creeper Plant LV 18 Water Fire
Aeroplane LV 19 DEF Down Fire LightningWind
Dire Plant LV 19 M. RES Down Water Fire
Nimble Bee LV 20 Poison WaterPoisonParalysis FireWind
Armored Knight LV 21 Water Lightning
Armored Archer LV 21 Lightning
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
White Rose LV 23 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Large Armor LV 25 Wind Lightning
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire

Quest No. 22 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
Number of enemies: 10
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Shadow LV 11 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 13 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 13 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 13 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 15 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 16 Paralysis Water WindLight
Chomper Egg LV 17 Fire LightningWind
Flower Rider LV 17 Water FireWind
Sparkler LV 18 FireLightning Water
Creeper Plant LV 18 Water Fire
Aeroplane LV 19 DEF Down Fire LightningWind
Dire Plant LV 19 M. RES Down Water Fire
Nimble Bee LV 20 Poison WaterPoisonParalysis FireWind
Armored Knight LV 21 Water Lightning
Armored Archer LV 21 Lightning
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
White Rose LV 23 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Large Armor LV 25 Wind Lightning
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire

Quest No. 23 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Number of enemies: 1

Quest No. 24 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Number of enemies: 1

Quest No. 25 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Number of enemies: 6

Quest No. 26 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Number of enemies: 5
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Shadow LV 11 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 13 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 13 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 13 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 15 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 16 Paralysis Water WindLight
Chomper Egg LV 17 Fire LightningWind
Flower Rider LV 17 Water FireWind
Sparkler LV 18 FireLightning Water
Creeper Plant LV 18 Water Fire
Aeroplane LV 19 DEF Down Fire LightningWind
Dire Plant LV 19 M. RES Down Water Fire
Nimble Bee LV 20 Poison WaterPoisonParalysis FireWind
Armored Knight LV 21 Water Lightning
Armored Archer LV 21 Lightning
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
White Rose LV 23 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Large Armor LV 25 Wind Lightning
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire

Quest No. 27 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Number of enemies: 4
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Armored Knight LV 21 Water Lightning
Armored Archer LV 21 Lightning
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
White Rose LV 23 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Large Armor LV 25 Wind Lightning
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Shadow LV 31 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 33 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 33 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 33 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 35 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 36 Paralysis Water WindLight

Quest No. 28 edit

Before quest

[The White Rabbit runs up a platform and blows on his trumpet.]

  • White Rabbit: "Your Majesty, loyal subjects, the...uh, the trial has begun!"

[The Queen of Hearts is seen sitting on her throne, facing the three classmates.]

  • White Rabbit: "The prisoners at the bar are charged with trespassing... ...and willfully disturbing Her Majesty's peace."
  • Bragi: "Wait, I'll own up to trespassing, but that's it. If anything, we were fighting the monsters to try and KEEP the peace."
  • Queen of Hearts: "Oh? So you confess to a far more serious crime!"
  • Bragi: "Uh... You mean fighting monsters? But that's the only way—"
  • Queen of Hearts: "All ways here are MY ways! Everything you see obeys MY rules and follows MY ways!"
  • Bragi: "Everything? Like the people, this place, and even...the monsters?"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Of course!"
  • Bragi: "But that's crazy!"

[Xehanort's party is listening in from behind a hedge.]

  • Eraqus: "I've seen enough."

[Eraqus summons his Keyblade.]

  • Xehanort: "Wait. What exactly are you going to do?"
  • Eraqus: "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna save them!"
  • Xehanort: "By attacking these people? Remember, we have to respect this world's order."

[Eraqus dismisses his Keyblade.]

  • <Party member>: "But what else can we do?"
  • Xehanort: "Well, we shouldn't waste any more time standing around here."
  • Xehanort: "What are you smiling about? Let's go."
  • Eraqus: "Yeah, yeah."

[The three run off.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "It's time for your sentence... ...and that sentence is...guilty!"

[Xehanort's party arrives.]

  • Eraqus: "Objection!"
  • Bragi: "Guys!"
  • Xehanort: "That verdict is unfair and you know it!"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Who are you!? And how dare you challenge me!? They're guilty because I say so!"
  • Xehanort: "They should be judged by a jury of their peers, and not by one single person. What right do you have to decide their fate?"
  • Xehanort: "You decide everything for everyone?"
  • Eraqus: "Come on, there has to be a better way. What did they do that was so bad, huh? Can't you show some mercy? Or are you just a bully who rules with fear?"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Fear!? Nonsense! My subjects adore me. DON'T YOU, SUBJECTS!?"

[The Playing Cards are all trembling with fear.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "See?! All power here is my power!"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Now, enough of this insolence! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"
  • Playing Cards: "They're going to lose their heads!"

[The Playing Cards group together.]

  • Playing Cards: "They're going to lose their heads!"

[The Playing Cards form a pyramid.]

  • Eraqus: "What now? Got a plan?"
  • Xehanort: "That WAS the plan. We'll just have to wing it now."
  • Eraqus: "Great! That's what I do best!"
  • Xehanort: "What—?"

[The Queen of Hearts radiates a dark aura.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "Seize them!"

[As the Playing Cards close in, they are slashes aside, and a Ferry Reaper appears.]

  • <Party member>: "Whoa!"
  • Eraqus: "Can I use my Keyblade now?"
  • Xehanort: "You don't have to ask."

[All Keyblade wielders summon their Keyblades.]

  • White Rabbit: "Th-the prisoners have been found guilty. So, the, uh, the trial is over!"

[The White Rabbit runs off.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "Order! I said ORDER! You will all pay for this!"

[The Queen of Hearts leaves. Meanwhile, the Playing Cards try to fight the Ferry Reaper, but get knocked over.]

  • Bragi: "They don't stand a chance..."

[The three classmates position themselves between the Ferry Reaper and the Playing Cards.]

  • Eraqus: "Bragi!"

[The three attack the Ferry Reaper, but get knocked aside together with the Playing Cards.]

  • Eraqus: "Bragi!"

[The Ferry Reaper turns its attention to Xehanort's party.]

  • Xehanort: "This won't be easy."
  • Eraqus: "Ready when you are."

[The White Rabbit runs up a platform and blows on his trumpet.]

  • White Rabbit: "Your Majesty, loyal subjects, the...uh, the trial has begun!"

[The Queen of Hearts is seen sitting on her throne, facing the three classmates.]

  • White Rabbit: "The prisoners at the bar are charged with trespassing... ...and willfully disturbing Her Majesty's peace."
  • Hermod: "Okay, I apologize for trespassing. But we were trying to keep the peace by fighting off those monsters."
  • Queen of Hearts: "Oh? So you confess to a far more serious crime!"
  • Hermod: "Uh... You mean fighting monsters? But that's the only way—"
  • Queen of Hearts: "All ways here are MY ways! Everything you see obeys MY rules and follows MY ways!"
  • Hermod: "Everything? Like the people, this place, and even...the monsters?"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Of course!"
  • Hermod: "But that's crazy!"

[Xehanort's party is listening in from behind a hedge.]

  • Eraqus: "I've seen enough."

[Eraqus summons his Keyblade.]

  • Xehanort: "Wait. What exactly are you going to do?"
  • Eraqus: "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna save them!"
  • Xehanort: "By attacking these people? Remember, we have to respect this world's order."

[Eraqus dismisses his Keyblade.]

  • Bragi: "But what else can we do?"
  • Xehanort: "Well, we shouldn't waste any more time standing around here."
  • Xehanort: "What are you smiling about? Let's go."
  • Eraqus: "Yeah, yeah."

[The three run off.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "It's time for your sentence... ...and that sentence is...guilty!"

[Xehanort's party arrives.]

  • Eraqus: "Objection!"
  • Hermod: "Guys!"
  • Xehanort: "That verdict is unfair and you know it!"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Who are you!? And how dare you challenge me!? They're guilty because I say so!"
  • Xehanort: "They should be judged by a jury of their peers, and not by one single person. What right do you have to decide their fate?"
  • Xehanort: "You decide everything for everyone?"
  • Eraqus: "Come on, there has to be a better way. What did they do that was so bad, huh? Can't you show some mercy? Or are you just a bully who rules with fear?"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Fear!? Nonsense! My subjects adore me. DON'T YOU, SUBJECTS!?"

[The Playing Cards are all trembling with fear.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "See?! All power here is my power!"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Now, enough of this insolence! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"
  • Playing Cards: "They're going to lose their heads!"

[The Playing Cards group together.]

  • Playing Cards: "They're going to lose their heads!"

[The Playing Cards form a pyramid.]

  • Eraqus: "What now? Got a plan?"
  • Xehanort: "That WAS the plan. We'll just have to wing it now."
  • Eraqus: "Great! That's what I do best!"
  • Xehanort: "What—?"

[The Queen of Hearts radiates a dark aura.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "Seize them!"

[As the Playing Cards close in, they are slashes aside, and a Ferry Reaper appears.]

  • Bragi: "Whoa!"
  • Eraqus: "Can I use my Keyblade now?"
  • Xehanort: "You don't have to ask."

[All Keyblade wielders summon their Keyblades.]

  • White Rabbit: "Th-the prisoners have been found guilty. So, the, uh, the trial is over!"

[The White Rabbit runs off.]

  • Queen of Hearts: "Order! I said ORDER! You will all pay for this!"

[The Queen of Hearts leaves. Meanwhile, the Playing Cards try to fight the Ferry Reaper, but get knocked over.]

  • Hermod: "They don't stand a chance..."

[The three classmates position themselves between the Ferry Reaper and the Playing Cards.]

  • Eraqus: "Hermod!"

[The three attack the Ferry Reaper, but get knocked aside together with the Playing Cards.]

  • Eraqus: "Hermod!"

[The Ferry Reaper turns its attention to Xehanort's party.]

  • Xehanort: "This won't be easy."
  • Eraqus: "Ready when you are."
# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Ferry Reaper LV 40 Water Poison FireWindLight
Number of enemies: 1
After quest

[The classmates are all back at the Fork in the Road.]

  • Eraqus: "I'm glad you're okay."
  • Bragi: "Whatever. It wasn't too bad."
  • Hermod: "I just...never thought we'd have to deal with something like that."
  • Eraqus: "I guess. I mean, it was tough, but we weren't in any real danger."
  • Hermod: "I'm not talking about the Heartless."
  • Bragi: "You're not? But aren't they the enemy?"
  • Vor: "Yeah, that's what we learned in class."
  • Urd: "Hermod's right. It's not that simple."
  • Eraqus: "What are you guys talking about?"
  • Hermod: "A threat stronger than any Heartless: the darkness in people's hearts. That's what drives the Queen of Hearts to rule with fear."
  • Hermod: "But...if that's the way of this world, then maybe it's not our place to say if it's right or wrong."
  • Urd: "We can't just go around challenging what we think is "bad.""
  • Eraqus: "So that's why you didn't put up a fight."
  • Vor: "We didn't have a choice."
  • Eraqus: "Hey, guys..."
  • Eraqus: "Do you think the upper classmen were caught in a similar situation?"
  • Eraqus: "If they were, and they realized their hands were tied, maybe they got captured too...or worse."
  • Bragi: "What do you think?"
  • Bragi: "Xehanort?"
  • Xehanort: "Sorry—what were you talking about?"
  • Eraqus: "The missing wielders. We assumed the Heartless were responsible, but instead, it might be someone touched by darkness..."

[A flashback shows Ephemer, Brain, Skuld, and Ventus on the hill outside Daybreak Town.]

  • Brain: "Darkness can hide anywhere. Even inside someone."

[Another flashback shows the aura of darkness behind the Queen of Hearts.]

  • Xehanort & Eraqus: "Darkness can hide anywhere. Even inside someone."
  • Xehanort: "Huh?"
  • Eraqus: "How did you—?"
  • Xehanort: "Me? I..."
  • Hermod: "Darkness can hide anywhere..."
  • Xehanort: "Right. Look at that queen. She believes people respect her power, even though it's obvious they live in fear. That's the kind of delusion that might force our hand down the line."
  • Eraqus: "Even so, I still believe in the light in people's hearts."
  • Xehanort: "Me too."
  • Urd: "For now, let's keep searching for the upper classmen."
  • Vor: "Yeah. We should focus on our mission."
  • Bragi: "Hope we don't get sidetracked again."
  • Hermod: "You're gonna jinx it..."

[Eraqus walks to Xehanort.]

  • Eraqus: "Hey. You okay?"
  • Xehanort: "I'm fine."

[A flashback of the trial is shown.]

  • Eraqus: "Come on, there has to be a better way. What did they do that was so bad, huh? Can't you show some mercy? Or are you just a bully who rules with fear?"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Fear!? Nonsense! My subjects adore me. DON'T YOU, SUBJECTS!?"
  • Xehanort: "I wonder...could darkness burrow so deep into someone's heart that they don't even know it's there?"
  • Eraqus: "That's a scary thought."
  • Xehanort: "Could you turn your Keyblade on a being that has no idea what they've become?"
  • Eraqus: "I...don't know."
  • Xehanort: "One day we might have to decide."
  • Vor: "What are you two whispering about?"
  • Eraqus: "Oh, just whether or not we should stick around here."
  • Hermod: "There's a chance the others were put on trial just like us. I think we should try to find out more before we leave."
  • Bragi: "Even though we might run into trouble again?"
  • Urd: "Hey, why don't we split up? A few of us can stay behind while the rest go on to the next world."
  • Eraqus: "We'll stay."
  • Vor: "Just the two of you?"
  • Xehanort: "Yeah. Better to keep a low profile."
  • Eraqus: "Uh... Something wrong?"
  • Vor: "You tell me... ...and maybe I'll keep you company till you do."
  • Eraqus: "Well? What do you say?"

<Party selection>

[The classmates are all back at the Fork in the Road.]

  • Eraqus: "I'm glad you're okay."
  • Hermod: "Me too."
  • Hermod: "I just...never thought we'd have to deal with something like that."
  • Eraqus: "I guess. I mean, it was tough, but we weren't in any real danger."
  • Hermod: "I'm not talking about the Heartless."
  • Bragi: "You're not? But aren't they the enemy?"
  • Vor: "Yeah, that's what we learned in class."
  • Urd: "Hermod's right. It's not that simple."
  • Eraqus: "What are you guys talking about?"
  • Hermod: "A threat stronger than any Heartless: the darkness in people's hearts. That's what drives the Queen of Hearts to rule with fear."
  • Hermod: "But...if that's the way of this world, then maybe it's not our place to say if it's right or wrong."
  • Urd: "We can't just go around challenging what we think is "bad.""
  • Eraqus: "So that's why you didn't put up a fight."
  • Vor: "We didn't have a choice."
  • Eraqus: "Hey, guys..."
  • Eraqus: "Do you think the upper classmen were caught in a similar situation?"
  • Eraqus: "If they were, and they realized their hands were tied, maybe they got captured too...or worse."
  • Bragi: "What do you think?"
  • Bragi: "Xehanort?"
  • Xehanort: "Sorry—what were you talking about?"
  • Eraqus: "The missing wielders. We assumed the Heartless were responsible, but instead, it might be someone touched by darkness..."

[A flashback shows Ephemer, Brain, Skuld, and Ventus on the hill outside Daybreak Town.]

  • Brain: "Darkness can hide anywhere. Even inside someone."

[Another flashback shows the aura of darkness behind the Queen of Hearts.]

  • Xehanort & Eraqus: "Darkness can hide anywhere. Even inside someone."
  • Xehanort: "Huh?"
  • Eraqus: "How did you—?"
  • Xehanort: "Me? I..."
  • Hermod: "Darkness can hide anywhere..."
  • Xehanort: "Right. Look at that queen. She believes people respect her power, even though it's obvious they live in fear. That's the kind of delusion that might force our hand down the line."
  • Eraqus: "Even so, I still believe in the light in people's hearts."
  • Xehanort: "Me too."
  • Urd: "For now, let's keep searching for the upper classmen."
  • Vor: "Yeah. We should focus on our mission."
  • Bragi: "Hope we don't get sidetracked again."
  • Hermod: "You're gonna jinx it..."

[Eraqus walks to Xehanort.]

  • Eraqus: "Hey. You okay?"
  • Xehanort: "I'm fine."

[A flashback of the trial is shown.]

  • Eraqus: "Come on, there has to be a better way. What did they do that was so bad, huh? Can't you show some mercy? Or are you just a bully who rules with fear?"
  • Queen of Hearts: "Fear!? Nonsense! My subjects adore me. DON'T YOU, SUBJECTS!?"
  • Xehanort: "I wonder...could darkness burrow so deep into someone's heart that they don't even know it's there?"
  • Eraqus: "That's a scary thought."
  • Xehanort: "Could you turn your Keyblade on a being that has no idea what they've become?"
  • Eraqus: "I...don't know."
  • Xehanort: "One day we might have to decide."
  • Vor: "What are you two whispering about?"
  • Eraqus: "Oh, just whether or not we should stick around here."
  • Hermod: "There's a chance the others were put on trial just like us. I think we should try to find out more before we leave."
  • Bragi: "Even though we might run into trouble again?"
  • Urd: "Hey, why don't we split up? A few of us can stay behind while the rest go on to the next world."
  • Eraqus: "We'll stay."
  • Vor: "Just the two of you?"
  • Xehanort: "Yeah. Better to keep a low profile."
  • Eraqus: "Uh... Something wrong?"
  • Vor: "You tell me... ...and maybe I'll keep you company till you do."
  • Eraqus: "Well? What do you say?"

<Party selection>

  • Vor: "Yay! I promise you won't regret it!"
  • Eraqus: "We'll see about that..."
  • Xehanort: "See you guys later. Be safe."
  • Vor: "Yay! I promise you won't regret it!"
  • Eraqus: "We'll see about that..."
  • Xehanort: "See you guys later. Be safe."
  • Vor: "Aww..."
  • Eraqus: "Next time. I promise."
  • Xehanort: "See you guys later. Be safe."

Quest No. 29 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Number of enemies: 10
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Armored Knight LV 21 Water Lightning
Armored Archer LV 21 Lightning
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
White Rose LV 23 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Large Armor LV 25 Wind Lightning
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Shadow LV 31 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 33 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 33 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 33 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 35 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 36 Paralysis Water WindLight

Quest No. 30 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Number of enemies: 5
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Armored Knight LV 21 Water Lightning
Armored Archer LV 21 Lightning
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
White Rose LV 23 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Large Armor LV 25 Wind Lightning
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Shadow LV 31 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 33 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 33 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 33 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 35 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 36 Paralysis Water WindLight

Quest No. 31 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Flower Rider LV 37 Water FireWind
Number of enemies: 6
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Armored Knight LV 21 Water Lightning
Armored Archer LV 21 Lightning
Poison Archer LV 22 Poison Poison Water
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Paralysis Archer LV 22 Paralysis Wind Paralysis Lightning
Large Body LV 22 Wind Lightning
Wizard LV 23 LightningSleep Wind
White Rose LV 23 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Red Rose LV 24 Water Fire
Large Armor LV 25 Wind Lightning
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Shadow LV 31 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 33 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 33 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 33 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 35 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 36 Paralysis Water WindLight

Quest No. 32 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Creeper Plant LV 38 Water Fire
Number of enemies: 1

Quest No. 33 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Dire Plant LV 39 M. RES Down Water Fire
Number of enemies: 1
After quest
  • [4 years later]

[Xehanort is dragged to the Queen's Castle by two Playing Cards.]

  • White Rabbit: "Your Majesty, the...uh, the trial has begun."
  • White Rabbit: "The prisoner at the bar is charged with trespassing... ...and willfully disturbing Her Majesty's peace."
  • Queen of Hearts: "How dare you trespass in my kingdom! Who are you!?"
  • Xehanort: "You don't remember me?"

[A dark aura radiates from the Queen of Hearts.]

  • Xehanort: "I knew it."

Quest No. 34 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Chomper Egg LV 37 Fire LightningWind
Number of enemies: 5
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Shadow LV 31 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 33 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 33 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 33 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 35 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 36 Paralysis Water WindLight
Flower Rider LV 37 Water FireWind
Creeper Plant LV 38 Water Fire
Dire Plant LV 39 M. RES Down Water Fire

Quest No. 35 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Aeroplane LV 39 DEF Down Fire LightningWind
Number of enemies: 6
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Shadow LV 31 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 33 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 33 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 33 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 35 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 36 Paralysis Water WindLight
Flower Rider LV 37 Water FireWind
Creeper Plant LV 38 Water Fire
Dire Plant LV 39 M. RES Down Water Fire

Quest No. 36 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Nimble Bee LV 40 Poison WaterPoisonParalysis FireWind
Number of enemies: 10
Possible enemies
Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Sleep Archer LV 22 Sleep Water Sleep Fire
Emerald Sonata LV 26
HP Recovery
Wind Bonus: Slight HP recovery
Mega-Shadow LV 27 FireLight
Lance Soldier LV 28 STR Down Wind Lightning
Gargoyle LV 28 WaterPoison SleepFireWindLight
Ice Plant LV 29 Water Fire
Shadow LV 31 PoisonParalysisSleepBlindFireLight
Red Nocturne LV 33 Fire Wind
Blue Rhapsody LV 33 Water Wind
Yellow Opera LV 33 Lightning Wind
Soldier LV 35 Wind Fire
Possessor LV 36 Paralysis Water WindLight
Flower Rider LV 37 Water FireWind
Creeper Plant LV 38 Water Fire
Dire Plant LV 39 M. RES Down Water Fire

Quest No. 37 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Large Body LV 42 Wind Lightning
Number of enemies: 1

Quest No. 38 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Armored Knight LV 41 Water Lightning
Number of enemies: 1

Quest No. 39 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
White Rose LV 43 Sleep WaterSleep Fire
Number of enemies: 1

Quest No. 40 edit

# Icon Enemy Level Attack Resistance Immunity Weakness Notes
Ice Plant LV 49 Water Fire
Number of enemies: 1