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User:Xeranis Azourael

About Me
Union Leader/Foreteller
("Leader", from Login/11 AM ET, to 10 PM ET; "Foreteller", from 10 PM ET, to Login/11 AM ET)
- Xeranis♖ - LuxBoostDAILY@5PM ET
I'm the contributor who:
completed the Standard Boards templates on the Avatar Boards page→ merged all the Level Progression Board templates into a single, consolidated table;- originally conceived & implemented the addition of the PvP Rotation countdown timer onto the Main Page (originally on Current Events template).
Also the contributor, who once:
- generally maintained the Avatar Boards, Coliseum Boards, Cross Boards, Raid Boards, & Event Boards pages [Pre-February 2019],
- scouted the specific enemies in the Coliseum's rounds & posted them for everyone [Pre-February 2019],
- generally kept the Proud Mode # cap up-to-date,
- maintained the Perks section on the Avatar Parts page [Pre-February 2019],
- generally kept the Current Events (countdown timers) up-to-date, when I could [Pre-March 2019], and
- generally kept the PvP Rotation countdown timer & PvP Rotation Keyblades up-to-date, when I could [Pre-3rd Anniversary, April 2019]
Party Info 
- (Tagline) LuxBoostDAILY@5PM ET
You can find me in the party, PteroLycus Union (Winged-Wolf Union).
Search Parameters
- Union: Vulpes
- Party Name: PteroLycus Union
- Playstyle: Core
- Members: 21-30
- Party Rank: Diamond (Top 25~Top 15)
- Approval:
- Manual
- Decline (Deluxe Lux Raid weeks)
Party Membership Parameters
: ) Join PteroLycus Union,
- if you have an affinity for wolves, or would like to join a union with the animal you'd like to be affiliated with, that's lacking Union representation - Wolf! : )
(We would be the Vulpes sub-faction.) - if you're a daily raider (Both, 11 AM ET & 5 PM ET Bonus Lux Raid Hours), looking for an active raiding party!
- and will activate your Lux Boost daily at our Lux Boost Raid Hour - 5 PM [17:00] ET / 6 PM [18:00] AT ← This is our Primary Requirement.
- and will evenly contribute to completing the Weekly Missions for the party!
- if you raid during the U.S. Eastern Time Zone! (Atlantic time zone raiders are also welcome!)
- if your playstyle is (preferably) Core! (Hardcore raiders are also welcome.)
- (Further parameters to be detailed in the in-game Party Chat.)
You will be briefed on additional Raiding Etiquette & Party Protocols shortly upon arrival to the party.
- We do not have a minimum Lux amount requirement.
- We do not require a 3rd-party communication platform, such as Mumble/Discord/et c. (The in-game party chat suffices, despite how others may feel about it.)
- We are not a rank-chasing party (yet we are consistently & naturally among Top 25~Top 15, in Vulpes).
- Our Primary Requirement is that you Lux Boost DAILY, at 5 PM [17:00] ET (Raiding is optional, but appreciated).
(The pursuit of the above first three bulletpoints won't matter, as long as everyone {commits to} Lux Boost at the same time, and at least ⅓ [10] members are raiding;
the rest will naturally fall into place on their own, as a direct result of the fourth bulletpoint;
people should naturally want to raid {to be able to unlock Jewel Boards at every 50 Levels & eventually reach max level [before the game ends] }, not be required to raid, just to maintain rank & prestige.) - 150% Lux Boost Daily, is the dream..! =D (All ya gotta do is tap that Lux Boost button; takes less than ~3 minutes, from app launch to Home screen.)
If you'd like to join us, either search for us, or please message me your ID# on here, so I can invite you directly! : )
- Be sure to go to Settings & turn on Lux Boost alert; and set an alarm on your device, to serve as a back-up reminder.
- Party Leaders are only able to send invites to those who are within the same union.
- Players must be partyless in order to accept Party Invites.
- Transferring unions costs 100 Jewels.
- Your Lux Boost isn't available on the very day you join a party, but will be available the following day.
Medal List 
- All as foreseen.. {∞_∞}
Going to be doing a lightning-bolt contribution, since I'm feeling 'inspired' , my OCD compels me, & I have the time to at the moment.
Mainly, several other unconnected/miscellaneous, standalone revisions.
This will be spanning over several days, since the final couple of pages, that I'm saving for last, will require the most time & effort (the ones most neglected by staff, but still pertinent to players' gameplay frequency, & requiring the most updating to the latest version of the game {frankly, a lot of this wiki's intel is now outdated, due to Version updates; and needs updating} ).
(I may, or may not return, one more time, for a more sustained, but still limited-time-run, contribution, once I officially resume blazing through both Proud Mode & Story, since so many quest certain pages remain neglected, even up 'til now.Still on the fence about this, though.. Changed my mind; there are other, more-pressing sections of this Wiki, that have gone neglected, de-prioritized over other less-urgent content, and need more urgent attention, than Story/Proud Mode Quests
{despite its own level/history of severe neglect}. Redirecting my focus towards those de-prioritized, neglected pages, instead.)
{Though I'm sure, now that I've posted that here, it will prompt (a) certain individual(s) to undercut me and get ahead of me on this, just to keep me from contributing, as has been done before, with the checklist I used to have at the bottom of this page.
Even though they have their own untended task list, and didn't display any initiative of their own to do what I intend to do, 'til I announced it here.
[Yeahh, don't think I didn't notice that either. You shouldn't have to rely on my (or anyone) spurring to action, to function as a reminder for you; it should come from your own volition, seeing what needs updating & acting on it promptly.] }
- [ 23:14, 16 August 2020 (PDT) ]
- {Spoken in a calm/relaxed tone of voice & pace of speaking..}
(A few late P.S. that I should've posted before the message I posted before this one.)
Didn't want to get into a Revision War with a staff member, as that is both against general wiki revision etiquette (excess History clutter) & unbecoming, and I didn't want to create new Discussion pages for things that should be discreetly handled, so I'm posting some late refutations here, instead.
• RE: Supernova (Supernovas VS Supernovae) - Both plural forms ("-as" & '-ae') are correct, but only one is the proper form, and that is '-ae' (any Latin teacher & Astronomer worth their salt will corroborate this);
if they're "both correct", then my revision should have never been reverted and should have been left as is.
As a wiki ("keepers of knowledge"), proper form should override any (users') colloquial preferences (unless adhering to official in-game terminology, while still highlighting the proper form in parenthesis right beside it).
Source: I took Latin for about a year & a half at a Blue Ribbon Magnet school, back when I was in middle school. (7th grade - Intro to Latin, for half a year; 8th grade - Latin I )
• RE: Template:EventSchedule - The monthly Events Roadmap is predominantly KHUC. KHDR has its own separate Events Roadmap (as evidenced in the Main-Links template). [Source: KHDR Notice List]
• RE: Template:CurrentVIP - VIP, once purchased, applies to both KHUC & KHDR. (Source: VIP players who've verified this & posted their findings on the corresponding reddit, screenshot included)
• RE: Main Page - I centered the Events Roadmap, so it's closer to the KHUC content on the left column; and centered the Main-Links template, so that it's aligned with the top Welcome-mat header, in terms of having hybridized content, but shorter length.
The VIP banners being on the right, visually balances out the layout, instead of being center-left heavy. That's why I rearranged those templates on the Main page.
Your arguments/reasoning are incomplete & paper-thin; try again.
[11:14, 10 July 2020 (PDT) ]
Personal Notes
Medals with matching attack animations that look cool/I like: Ongoing Project In progress