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Quest 906: Investigating the Glitches Pt. 1

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« Quest 906
Investigating the Glitches Pt. 1
Let's Investigate the Block Noise: 1

Maps: Base
Kana ブロックノイズを調べよう1
Rōmaji Burokku Noizu o Shirabeyou 1
AP Level
0 1500
Speed AttributeFlappy Rider
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Equip the Treasure Trove Keyblade 5 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Equip the Treasure Trove Keyblade 5 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards
« Quest 906
Investigating the Glitches Pt. 1
Let's Investigate the Block Noise: 1

Maps: Base
Kana ブロックノイズを調べよう1
Rōmaji Burokku Noizu o Shirabeyou 1
AP Level
0 3500
Target Keyblade
Speed AttributeFlappy Rider Power AttributeDarkgnaw
Special attacks allowed only for Medals with a SP attack bonus value of 8 or less.
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Equip 5 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Complete without having to continue 1 Magic Gem
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Equip 5 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Complete without having to continue 1 Magic Gem
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards

Quest 906 takes place in Cy-Bug Sector.

Story summary[edit]

Ephemer returns to Daybreak Town, leaving The Player to further look into the glitches.


Before quest
[The Player is talking to Ephemer as they walk down a corridor. They stop walking.]
  • Ephemer: "I see. So you think there might be a link between the bad guy, Ralph, and the glitches."
  • Ephemer: "The Player, can you keep looking into the glitches? I'll head back and inform the others about the Darklings."
[The Player looks disappointed. Ephemer steps closer and puts a hand on their shoulder.]
  • Ephemer: "I'm tasking you with this because I trust you. And I know you'll be fine on your own."
[The Player smiles and nods.]
  • Ephemer: "Besides, even when we're apart, our hearts are always connected. Don't forget that."
[The Player nods. Ephemer summons his Keyblade, opens a glitchy-looking Gate, and steps through.]



Icon Enemies Locations Notes
Speed Attribute2 Green Gearbits Base D
Speed Attribute1 Green Gearbit Base C
1 Flappy Rider Base C Target enemy; 25-hit count
Total Number of Enemies: 4

Enemy types[edit]



Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Base C