
(Redirected from Bazaar)

Agrabah is the fourth world visited by The Player in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Areas edit

The first area in the world is the City Sands (砂漠・城門付近?).

The northwestern exit of the City Sands leads to the Bazaar (城門広場?).

The westernmost doorway in the Bazaar leads to the Abandoned Building (荒れ果てた店?).

The northwestern doorway in the Bazaar leads to the Merchant's Dwelling: 1st Floor (商人の家・1階?).

The stairway in the Merchant's Dwelling: 1st Floor leads to the Merchant's Dwelling:2nd Floor (商人の家・2階?).

The eastern exit of the Merchant's Dwelling: 2nd Floor leads to the Bazaar: Upper Level (城門広場・上層?).

The easternmost doorway of the Bazaar leads to the Warehouse (倉庫?).

The southwestern doorway of the Bazaar leads to the Guard Quarters: 1st Floor (衛兵の休憩所・1階?).

The stairway in the Guard Quarters: 1st Floor lead to the Guard Quarters: 2nd Floor (衛兵の休憩所・2階?).

The southeastern doorway of the Bazaar leads to the Guard Station (衛兵の詰め所?).

The northwestern exit of the Bazaar leads to the Alleyway (裏通り?).

Aladdin's House (アラジンの家?) can be accessed by the northeastern exit of the Alleyway.

The eastern exit of the City Sands lead to the Merchant's Madness (隊商の交易路?).

The eastern exit of Merchant's Madness leads to the Tortuous Sands (迷いの砂漠?).

The sourthern exit of Tortous Sands leads to the Sunset Sands (夕暮れの砂漠?).

The eastern exit of the Sunset Sands leads to the Desert Dusk (落陽の荒野?).

The eastern exit of the Desert Dusk leads to the Scarab Sands (スカラベの砂丘?).

The eastern exit of the Tortuous Sands leads to the Parched Sands (渇きの砂漠?).

The eastern exit of the Parched Sands leads to the Dreadful Dunes (ためらいの砂丘?).
This Area's northe eastern exit is a one-way exit to the Merchant's Madness.

The southeastern exit of the Dreadful Dines leads to the Treacherous Terrain (拒絶の岩地?).

The northeastern exit of the Treacherous Terrain leads to the Old Oasis (オアシス跡?).

The northeastern exit of the Old Oasis leads to the start of a series of five areas that all share visual appearance and the identical English name of Starless Sands, during certain Quests there are additional exits of the first three areas, which work together to create a maze.
In Japanese these five areas, from west to east, are known as: (宵闇の砂漠(1番目)?), (宵闇の砂漠(2番目)?), (宵闇の砂漠(3番目)?), (新月の砂丘?), and (闇夜の砂漠?).

The eastern exit of the fifth Starless Sands leads to an area that shares its English name with the previous area(s), which is known as Starless Sands (漆黒の岩地?).

The northeastern exit of the leads to the Raven Rocks (紅い盗賊団のアジト(1番目)?).

The southeastern exit of the Raven Rocks leads to the Red Bandits' Den (紅い盗賊団のアジト(2番目)?).

Beginning in Union χ, the Warehouse has a new exit on the eastern side that leads to the Prison Passage.

Beginning in Union χ, the Bazaar: Upper Level has a newly opened doorway in the northeast that leads to an unnamed residence, the stairway leads to a different part of the Bazaar: Upper Area.
The KHUX Wiki refers to this area as the Dwelling

The New Moon Barrens area is accessible from the northeast exit (Union χ) of one of the five visually identical maps named Starless Sands.

The Desert: Cave is an isolated area with no current known ways of access.

The Cave of Wonders: Entrance is the first area of the Cave of Wonders sub-group of areas. It is presumably accessible from the Desert: Cave, though this has no demonstration for a definitive answer.

The southeastern exit of the Cave of Wonders: Entrance leads to the Cave of Wonders: Interior, which seems to be made in a way that it can continually connect to another copy of itself by the easternmost door or connect to a treasure room by a center door, either of which could be covered by piles of gold depending on variation.

The Cave of Wonders: Treasure Room is accessible from the centermost northern exit of a Cave of Wonders: Interior, it has a variant with a western door that can lead to an additional Treasure Room be it continuous or a dead end variant.

The Cave of Wonders: Lamp Chamber is an isolated area within the Cave of Wonders sub-group of areas, there is currently no known way to access it normally.

The southwestern corner of the Cave of Wonders: Lamp Chamber presumably leads to an unnamed area, though current knowledge has it as isolated, KHUX Wiki refers to this unnamed room as the Cave of Wonders: Monkey Statue.

The Collapsed Cave of Wonders is an isolated sub-group of areas made up of variants which connect with each other through their exits, has not been shown to connect with other areas

Snowy Peaks is an isolated area part of a sub-group which can connect with an identical copy of itself to the east and west exits or connect to a different area of the same name in the west exit.

The western "end" of the Snowy Peaks areas, it shares a name with the other areas in it's subgroup, but only has a singular exit on the east side.

Jasmine's Quarters mark the first area of the isolated Palace sub-group of areas.

The eastern exit of Jasmine's Quarters leads to the Palace: Throne Room Corridor, the eastern doorway leads to variants of the Palace: Throne Room Corridor with one that presumably connects to the Palace: Throne Room.

The Palace: Throne Room is an isolated area presumably connected to the palace sub-group of areas. Though it is visually implied by a variant of the Palace: Throne Room Corridor, this has no demonstration for a definitive answer.