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Daybreak Town

Daybreak Town is the first world visited by The Player in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.
The Fountain Square (噴水広場 Funsui Hiroba ) is the first area in the world and also acts the the party's hub.
Fountain Square
A Corridor of Darkness leading to the Dark Corridor Trials.
- During seasonal events the hub version of the Fountain Square changes its appearance.
Moogle O' Glory event
Valentine's Day
White Day
Before Christmas
New Year's Eve
1st Anniversary
2nd Anniversary
3rd Anniversary
4th Anniversary
5th Anniversary
End of Service
The door in the center leads to the Moogle Shop (モーグリの店 Mōguri no Mise ).
Moogle Shop
The frozen Moogle Shop during the Christmas Winter Party Event!
The flooded Moogle Shop during the Shark Hunt.
Up the stairs is the Attic (屋根裏部屋 Yaneuraheya ).
The frozen Attic during the Christmas Winter Party Event!
Beyond the window lies the Rooftop (噴水広場・上層 Funsui Hiroba Jōsō , lit. "Fountain Square: Upper Level").
The stairs in the lower left corner of the Fountain Square lead to the 1st District (1番街 1-Ban Machi , lit. "1st Avenue").
1st District
Following the stairs on the right side of the Fountain Square the 2nd District (2番街 2-Ban Machi , lit. "2nd Avenue") can be reached.
2nd District
The 2nd District after hitting the waterway switch.
Somewhere beyond the 2nd District lies the Clock Tower Area (時計塔・周辺 Tokei-tō Shūhen , lit. "Clock Tower and Surroundings").
Clock Tower Area
Leaving through the large left gate of the Clock Tower Area leads to the Seventh District (7番街 7-Ban Machi , lit. "7th Avenue").
Seventh District
The Seventh District during Nightmare Chirithy's assault.
On the left side of the Seventh District is a door to the Seventh District: Vacant House (7番街・空家 7-Ban Machi Akiya , lit. "7th Avenue: Vacant House").
Seventh District: Vacant House
Leaving the Fountain Square through the large gate on the left leads to Market (中央市場 Chūōshijō , lit. "Central Market").
In the middle of the Market a door to the Warehouse (中央市場・倉庫 Chūōshijō Sōko , lit. "Central Market: Warehouse") can be found.
The gate on the left side of the Market connects to the Avenue (郊外へ続く橋 Kōgai e Tsudzuku Hashi , lit. "Bridge to the Suburbs").
Crossing the bridge to the left leads to the Boardwalk (海沿いの遊歩道 Umizoi no Yūhodō , lit. "Boardwalk along the Sea").
The Boardwalk has two exits to the Waterfront Park (臨海公園 Rinkai Kōen ): on the upper left over the bridge, and the lower left through the park.
Waterfront Park
The Waterfront Park: Office (臨海公園・管理人室 Rinkai Kōen Kanrininshitsu , lit. "Waterfront Park: Manager's Office") can be found by entering the lighthouse in the Waterfront Park.
Waterfront Park: Office
The bottom left door of the Waterfront Park: Office leads to the Waterfront Park: Dock (臨海公園・船着き場 Rinkai Kōen Funatsukiba ).
Waterfront Park: Dock
The Waterfront Park: Dock with a ferry ready to leave.
Taking the ferry from the Waterfront Park: Dock, the Beach (島のビーチ Shima no Bīchi , lit. "Island Beach") can be reached, which consists of four areas. A dusk and night version of Beach can be visited during the Summer Adventure event.
Beach A
Beach B
Beach C
Beach D
Beach A at sunset
Beach B at sunset
Beach C at sunset
Beach D at sunset
Beach A at night
Beach B at night
Beach C at night
Beach D at night
During the Summer Adventure event, taking a different ferry from the Beach would take you to a reef with shipwrecks.
Shipwreck Shore
The Shipwreck Shore during the day.
Entering the sewers in the 2nd District or going down the steps in the Waterfront Park: Office leads to the Underground Waterway Entrance (地下水路・入口 Chika Suiro Iriguchi ), and subsequentially to the Underground Waterway (地下水路 Chika Suiro ), which connects both areas and the Clock Tower: Underground Entrance (時計塔・地下入口 Tokei-tō Chika Iriguchi ). Counting entries and exits, the Underground Waterway consists of ten areas.
Underground Waterway F
Underground Waterway E
Underground Waterway D
Underground Waterway C
Underground Waterway Entrance
Underground Waterway A (1)
Underground Waterway A (2)
Underground Waterway A (3)
Underground Waterway B
Clock Tower: Underground Entrance
- Draining the water during the Shark Hunt creates a lower passage that connects the first four areas of the Underground Waterway.
Underground Waterway F
Underground Waterway E
Underground Waterway D
Underground Waterway C
- During the Christmas Winter Party Event!, three areas are frozen.
Underground Waterway D
Underground Waterway C
Underground Waterway E
Going up the stairs in the Clock Tower: Underground Entrance leads to the Clock Tower: Level (時計塔内部 Tokei-tō Naibu , lit. "Clock Tower Interior"), which consists of a labyrinth of five different areas.
Clock Tower: Level A
Clock Tower: Level B
Clock Tower: Level C
Clock Tower: Level D
Clock Tower: Level E
In some quests, exterior areas can be reached through some Clock Tower: Level exits.
Clock Tower: Exterior A
Clock Tower: Exterior B
Some areas of the the Clock Tower: Level C variant contain the Clock Tower: Elevator (時計塔・エレベーター Tokei-tō Erebētā ).
Clock Tower: Elevator
Moving up with the elevator leads to the Foretellers' Chambers (予知者の部屋 Yochi-sha no Heya ).
Foretellers' Chambers
The Foretellers' Chambers during the fight with Darkness.
Another elevator moves up to the Clock Tower: Control Room Hall (時計塔・管理室前 Tokei-tō Kanri Shitsumae , lit. "Clock Tower: In Front of the Control Room").
Clock Tower: Control Room Hall
At the bottom of the Clock Tower lies The Basement (箱舟の間 Hakobune no Ma , lit. "Ark Room"), which contains the lifeboat.
The Basement
Somewhere in Daybreak Town a hall with fourteen adjoining rooms can be found.
Unknown room
There is a graveyard somewhere beyond the city area of Daybreak Town.
Graveyard A
Graveyard B
Graveyard C
The Corridor of Darkness (闇の回廊 Yami no Kairō ) can be accessed at the Fountain Square during the Dark Corridor Trials, the Warehouse when visiting Enchanted Dominion for the first time, and Shipwreck Shore during the Summer Adventure event.
Corridor of Darkness A
Corridor of Darkness B
Corridor of Darkness C
Corridor of Darkness D
Corridor of Darkness E
Corridor of Darkness F
Cutscene maps[edit]
The Player's room
Strelitzia's room
A park overlooking the town.
The hills
The hills during sunset.
The flower meadow
The Control Room
The corridor before Ventus's chamber.
The chamber where Ventus was recovering.
The corridor before The Basement.