Quest 21: Through the Woods Pt. 5

(Redirected from Quest 21)
« Quest 21
Through the Woods Pt. 5
Smoothly Cross over the Plants and Flowers, and Leave the Forest: 5

Maps: Fork in the Road
Kana 草木や花の上をうまく渡って、森を抜けよう 5
Rōmaji Kusaki ya Hana no Jō o Umaku Watatte, Mori o Nukeyou: 5
AP Level Raid Boss
4 7 Behemoth
Speed AttributeTornado Step
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 6 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 4 Avatar Coin
Defeat the Aerial Knocker within 1 turn 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 5 Avatar Coin
Defeat the Aerial Knocker within 1 turn 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
"Curious" Title
Louie ★
3 Strange Leaf
1 Strange Bulb
3 Teardrops
JP Quest Rewards
"アリス" Title
Louie ★
« Quest 21
Through the Woods Pt. 5
Smoothly Cross over the Plants and Flowers, and Leave the Forest: 5

Maps: Fork in the Road
Kana 草木や花の上をうまく渡って、森を抜けよう 5
Rōmaji Kusaki ya Hana no Jō o Umaku Watatte, Mori o Nukeyou: 5
AP Level Raid Boss
10 211 Behemoth
Target Keyblade
Speed AttributeTornado Step Power AttributeTreasure Trove
Only single-target special attacks allowed.
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Electrum Ore
Use 2 or more special attacks 5 Avatar Coin
Defeat the Aerial Knocker within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Electrum Ore
Use 2 or more special attacks 5 Avatar Coin
Defeat the Aerial Knocker within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None 3 Strange Leaf
1 Strange Bulb
3 Teardrops
JP Quest Rewards

Quest 21 takes place in Wonderland.

Story summary edit

The Player continues to explore Wonderland, and runs into Alice, the White Rabbit, and the Cheshire Cat.

Script edit

During quest
  • Chirithy: "I'll bet you can easily jump over that log."
After quest
  • Alice: "Why, hello there. My name is Alice. Who might you be?"
  • Alice: "Oh?"
  • Alice: "Thank goodness! I was afraid you'd speak in riddles, too."
  • Alice: "I don't suppose you've seen a white rabbit, have you?"
  • Alice: "I've been looking for him everywhere."
  • Alice: "I see. How unfortunate. Now, where could he have gone?"
  • White Rabbit: "I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!"
  • White Rabbit: No time to say hello. Good-bye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
  • Alice: "Why, there he is!"
  • Alice: "Wait! Please! Mr. Rabbit!"
  • Cheshire Cat: "Lose something? Your way, perhaps?"
  • Cheshire Cat: "Or an answer? I've lots of those."
  • Cheshire Cat: "The questions don't matter, of course. All answers here have lots of questions."

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Tornado Step
 1 Soldier
Fork in the Road
 1 Yellow Opera Fork in the Road
 2 Shadows Fork in the Road
 1 Aerial Knocker Fork in the Road
 2 Soldiers Fork in the Road
 1 Tornado Step
 1 Tornado Step
 1 Shadow
Fork in the Road Target enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 11

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Item Prize Fork in the Road
Attack Prize Fork in the Road
HP Prize Fork in the Road