Quest 433: The West Wing Pt. 6

(Redirected from Quest 433)
« Quest 433
The West Wing Pt. 6
Follow the West Worridor to the Beast's room 6

Maps: West Wing
Kana ビーストの部屋を目指して西の廊下を進もう6
Rōmaji Bīsuto no heya o mezashite nishi no rōka o susumou 6
AP Level Raid Boss
23 122 Enraged Arachnid
Power AttributeGummi Hammer
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 6 Avatar Coin
Defeat 10 or more enemies 4 Avatar Coin
Inflict 10000 or more damage with 1 hit (excl. Nova) 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Defeat 10 or more enemies 5 Avatar Coin
Inflict 10000 or more damage with 1 hit (excl. Nova) 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
Divine Rose 2 Large Pearl
5 Icy Crystal
4 Melted Candle
JP Quest Rewards
Divine Rose
« Quest 433
The West Wing Pt. 6
Follow the West Worridor to the Beast's room 6

Maps: West Wing
Kana ビーストの部屋を目指して西の廊下を進もう6
Rōmaji Bīsuto no heya o mezashite nishi no rōka o susumou 6
AP Level Raid Boss
10 232 Enraged Arachnid
Target Keyblade
Power AttributeGummi Hammer Magic AttributeCounterpoint
Special attacks allowed only for Reversed Medals.
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Dark Matter
Collect 1000 or more Lux 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 1 or fewer Medals 1 Dark Matter
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Dark Matter
Collect 1000 or more Lux 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 1 or fewer Medals 1 Dark Matter
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None 2 Large Pearl
5 Icy Crystal
4 Melted Candle
JP Quest Rewards

Quest 433 takes place in Beast's Castle.

Story summary edit

Script edit

After quest

  You have my deepest gratitude.

  Now we must hasten to the master's room.

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 2 Red Gummi Copters West Wing  
 1 Munny Egg West Wing Has a chance of appearing
 2 Blue Gummi Copters West Wing  
 1 Gummi Hammer West Wing
 1 Red Gummi Copter West Wing  
 3 Red Gummi Copters West Wing  
 1 Blue Gummi Copter West Wing  
 1 Gummi Hammer
 1 Gummi Hammer
 2 Red Gummi Copters
West Wing Target enemy

Total Number of Enemies: 15

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize West Wing
Attack Prize West Wing
Item Prize West Wing