Quest 462: What's Bothering Belle? Pt. 4

(Redirected from Quest 462)
« Quest 462
What's Bothering Belle? Pt. 4
Chase after Belle who ran away 4

Maps: Frozen Forest
Kana 飛び出していったベルを追いかけよう4
Rōmaji Tobidashite itta beru o oikakeyou 4
AP Level Raid Boss
24 127 Enraged Arachnid
Speed AttributeBlack Gummi Copter
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 6 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 4 Avatar Coin
Inflict 20000 or more damage with 1 hit (excl. Nova) 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Complete without having to continue 5 Avatar Coin
Inflict 20000 or more damage with 1 hit (excl. Nova) 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None 17 Icy Crystal
JP Quest Rewards
« Quest 462
What's Bothering Belle? Pt. 4
Chase after Belle who ran away 4

Maps: Frozen Forest
Kana 飛び出していったベルを追いかけよう4
Rōmaji Tobidashite itta beru o oikakeyou 4
AP Level Raid Boss
10 241 Enraged Arachnid
Target Keyblade
Speed AttributeBlack Gummi Copter Power AttributeSpeed AttributeOlympia
Special attacks allowed only for Upright Medals.
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Collect 1000 or more Lux 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 1 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Collect 1000 or more Lux 5 Avatar Coin
Equip 1 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None 17 Icy Crystal
JP Quest Rewards

Quest 462 takes place in Beast's Castle.

Story summary edit

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Black Gummi Copter
 2 Yellow Gummi Copters
Frozen Forest    
 1 Yellow Gummi Copter Frozen Forest  
 1 Growth Egg Frozen Forest Has a chance of appearing
 1 Black Gummi Copter
 1 Red Gummi Copter
 1 Yellow Gummi Copter
 1 Blue Gummi Copter
Frozen Forest    
 1 Yellow Gummi Copter
 1 Red Gummi Copter
 1 Blue Gummi Copter
Frozen Forest  
 1 Black Gummi Copter
 2 Black Gummi Copters
Frozen Forest Target enemy;    
Total Number of Enemies: 14

Enemy types edit


Treasures edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Frozen Forest
HP Prize Frozen Forest
Attack Prize Frozen Forest