
(Redirected from Scarab Brooch)

The Keyblade is the main weapon used by the player in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Each Keyblade starts off with 3 Medal Slots which serve to add different types of Medals on them to make them stronger and use different types of attacks and skills, after upgrading a Keyblade to a certain level, new Medal Slots will be unlocked on the Keyblade, up to a maximum of 5.

When upgrading a Keyblade, Medal Slots will feature Attribute Boosts, which give damage increases to specific types of Medals. Each Keyblade also has a hidden modifier to the strength of the Friend Medal equipped to it, regardless of attribute.

In the game you can gain materials to upgrade Keyblades, as well as change their appearance and increase the quantity of Medal Slots.

While Medals grant the overall strength of a Keyblade, if players equip Medals that exceed the overall Medal Cost, they won't be able to use the Keyblade until switching to a Medal with lower Cost.

When a Keyblade is used without Medals, the player uses Stock Medals as placeholders.

Keyblade List edit

When players reach a certain point in the story, they will be granted different types of Keyblades.

Name Attribute(s) Slots Obtained
Starlight                    Default
Treasure Trove                  Quest 14: The Mine Pt. 2
Lady Luck                  Quest 24: Escorting Alice Pt. 2
Three Wishes                  Quest 34: The Search for the Red Bandit Pt. 5
Olympia                   Quest 130: Preliminary Final Round
Divine Rose                   Quest 433: The West Wing Pt. 6
Moogle O' Glory                   A New Keyblade: Moogle O' Glory
Sleeping Lion                  Proud Mode: Quest 3: Combat 102
Counterpoint                  Proud Mode: Quest 103: Darkball Dread: Wonderland Pt. 1
Stroke of Midnight                    Quest 595: More Malicious Monsters
Fenrir                  Proud Mode: Quest 203: A Chat with the Cheshire Cat Pt. 3
Darkgnaw                  Proud Mode: Quest 328: The Final Trial Pt. 3
Missing Ache                  Proud Mode: Quest 378: The Right Key Pt. 3
Fairy Stars                    Quest 683: Protect the Prince Pt. 3
Diamond Dust                  Proud Mode: Quest 428: The West Wing Pt. 1
Bad Guy Breaker               Quest 880: The Large Man

Subslots edit

In Version 2.6.0, Subslots were added to Keyblades. Each Keyblade has a set of 120 Subslots, which can be filled with 7★ Medals matching the slot's attribute to provide a small multiplier bonus to the entire Keyblade. The bonus multiplier provided depends on the Special Attack Bonus Level of the Medal.

SAB Level                    
Multiplier +0.001 +0.002 +0.005 +0.008 +0.012 +0.016 +0.020 +0.025 +0.030 +0.035

Level Passives edit

Materials edit

Mythril Shard edit

Mythril Shard

Mythril Shard (ミスリルのかけら Misuriru no Kakera?) are obtained, one at a time, for completing the third objective of each Story Quest and each permanent, non-VIP Special Quest. See here for a full list. One Mythril Shard is needed each time the Player strengthens a Keyblade between +1 and +25, and as Mythril Shards are finite in number, they cannot be sold.

Power Gem edit

Power Gem

Power Gems (つるぎの魔石 Tsurugi no Maseki?, lit. "Sword Gem") are used to strengthen Keyblades starting from level +25. The first Power Gem was available as a reward in the Coliseum Challenge Duel Powerful Enemies and Level Up your Keyblades! event, eventually becoming an extra in some Premium Event Avatar Boards and a reward for a Weekly Solo Ranking.

Speed Gem edit

Speed Gem

Speed Gems (つばさの魔石 Tsubasa no Maseki?, lit. "Wing Gem") are used to strengthen Keyblades starting from level +25. The first Speed Gem was available as a reward in the Coliseum Challenge Duel Powerful Enemies and Level Up your Keyblades! event, eventually becoming an extra in some Premium Event Avatar Boards and a reward for some Weekly Solo Rankings.

Magic Gem edit

Magic Gem

Magic Gems (しんぴの魔石 Shinpi no Maseki?, lit. "Mystery Gem") are used to strengthen Keyblades starting from level +25. The first Magic Gem was available as a reward in the Coliseum Challenge Duel Powerful Enemies and Level Up your Keyblades! event, eventually becoming an extra in some Premium Event Avatar Boards and a reward for some Weekly Solo Rankings.

Sun Gem edit

Sun Gem

Sun Gems (たいようの魔石 Taiyou no Maseki?) are used to strengthen the Upright Proud Mode Keyblades starting from level 25 through level 50. The gems are gained from Proud Mode Quest 685 and higher, and were previously available through level 400+ Proud Quest: Power, Magic or Speed event quests.

Moon Gem edit

Moon Gem

Moon Gems (つきの魔石 Tsuki no Maseki?) are used to strengthen the Reversed Proud Mode Keyblades starting from level +25 all the way to level 50. The first Moon Gem was available as a reward in the Coliseum Side-Quest: Moon Gem Cup event.

Brilliant Gem edit

Brilliant Gem

Brilliant Gems (うるわしの魔石 Uruwashi no Maseki?, lit. "Beautiful Gem") are used to strengthen Keyblades starting from level +50 and up.

Rainbow Gem edit

Rainbow Gem

Rainbow Gems (にじいろの魔石 Niji Iro no Maseki?) are used to strengthen Keyblades starting from level +50 and up.

Electrum Ore edit

Electrum Ore

Electrum Ore (エレクトラム Erekutoramu?, lit. "Electrum") are obtained, one at a time, for completing objectives in Proud Mode. See here for a full list. Various quantities of Electrum Ores are needed each time the Player strengthens the Sleeping Lion, Counterpoint, and Fenrir Keyblades, and as Electrum Ores are finite in number, they cannot be sold.

Dark Matter edit

Dark Matter

Dark Matter (ダークマター Dāku Matā?) are obtained, two at a time, for completing objectives in Proud Mode. See here for a full list. Various quantities of Dark Matters are needed each time the Player strengthens the Darkgnaw, Missing Ache and Diamond Dust Keyblades, and as Dark Matters are finite in number, they cannot be sold.

Trophy edit


Trophy (トロフィー Torofī?) are obtained, one at a time, for completing the third objective of certain Story Quests. See here for a full list. The material is exclusively used to strengthen the Bad Guy Breaker Keyblade, and as Trophies are finite in number, they cannot be sold.

Other Materials edit


All other Materials can be gathered during quests by passing over sparkling patches of ground. These materials are generally found in locations appropriate to their substance; for example, vials of Spring Water can often be found in fountains or along rivers, while Curative Flowers can be found in flowerbeds. Though some materials can be found in multiple worlds or can be used to strengthen multiple Keyblades, most of these materials are used for specific Keyblades and are primarily found in the respective world. The materials needed for each Keyblade can also be easily farmed in the appropriate series of Keyblade Materials Special Quests. The Player is also able to sell their excess farmable Materials for 10 Munny per unit.

Material Description Price Keyblades Found
Curative Leaf
Curative Leaf (薬草の葉っぱ Yakusou no Happa?)
A leaf from an herbal plant that grows in the forest. 10 X X X X Quests
Curative Flower
Curative Flower (薬草の花 Yakusou no Hana?)
A flower from an herbal plant that grows in the forest. 10 X X Quests
Copper Core
Copper Ore (銅の原石 Akagane no Genseki?)
Ore from a copper deposit. 10 X X X X Quests
Iron Ore
Iron Ore (鉄の原石 Kurogane no Genseki?)
Ore from an iron deposit. 10 X X X X X X X Quests
Spring Water
Spring Water (きよらかな水 Kiyorakana Mizu?, lit. "Pure Water")
A vial of natural spring water. 10 X X X X Quests
Forest Mushrooms
Forest Mushrooms (森のきのこ Mori no Kinoko?)
Mushrooms that grow in the forest. 10 X X Quests
Curative Bulb
Curative Bulb (薬草の球根 Yakusō no Kyūkon?)
A bulb from an herbal plant that grows in the forest. 10 X X X Quests
Silver Ore
Silver Ore (銀の原石 Shirogane no Genseki?)
Ore from a silver deposit. 10 X X X X Quests
Gold Ore
Gold Ore (金の原石 Kane no Genseki?)
Ore from a gold deposit. 10 X X X X X X Quests
Swamp Water
Swamp Water (沼地のわき水 Numachi no Waki Mizu?)
A vial of water collected from the swamps. 10 X X Quests
Scorching Sand
Scorching Sand (熱をおびた砂 Netsu o Obita Suna?)
A bag of piping hot sand. 10 X X Quests
Burnt Coal
Burnt Coal (燃えつきた炭 Moetsukita Sumi?)
A pile of charred coal briquettes. 10 X Quests
Starry Sand
Starry Sand (星のかたちの砂 Hoshi no Katachi no Suna?, lit. "Star-shaped Sand")
A bag of rare star-shaped sand. 10 X Quests
Ember (残り火 Nokoribi?)
A piece of glowing, hot coal. 10 X X X Quests
Strange Leaf
Strange Leaf (おかしな葉っぱ Okashina Happa?)
A leaf from a wild plant that grows in the forest. 10 X X Quests
White Flower Dew
White Flower Dew (白い花のつゆ Shiroi Hana no Tsuyu?)
A phial of morning dew gathered from the petals of a white flower. 10 X Quests
Strange Bulb
Strange Bulb (おかしな球根 Okashina Kyūkon?)
A bulb from a wild plant that grows in the forest. 10 X Quests
White Flower Nectar
White Flower Nectar (白い花のみつ Shiroi Hana no Mitsu?)
A phial of sweet nectar from a white flower. 10 X Quests
Broken Biscuit
Broken Biscuit (お菓子のかけら Okashi no Kakera?, lit. "Candy Pieces")
Pieces of a peculiar-tasting biscuit. 10 X X X Quests
Teardrops (涙のしずく Namida no Shizuku?)
A bottle of teardrops. 10 X X X Quests
Topaz Earring
Topaz Earring (トパーズのピアス Topāzu no Piasu?)
Jewelry sold at the market. 10 X Quests
Agate Ring
Agate Ring (めのうのリング Menou no Ringu?)
Jewelry sold at the market. 10 X X Quests
Scarab Brooch
Scarab Brooch (スカラベのブローチ Sukarabe no Burōchi?)
Jewelry sold at the market. 10 X Quests
Netherstone (冥界の石 Meikai no Ishi?)
A stone consisting of elements specific to the Underworld. 10 X Quests
Netherwater (冥界の水 Meikai no Mizu?)
A vial of water collected from the pools of the Underworld. 10 X Quests
Netherflame (冥界の炎 Meikai no Honō?)
An intense blue flame. 10 X Quests
Large Pearl
Large Pearl (大粒のパール Ōtsubu no Pāru?)
A beautiful accessory. 10 X X Quests
Ice Crystal
Icy Crystal (氷の結晶 Kōri no Kesshō?)
A crystal born from the winds of cold. 10 X Quests
Melted Candle
Melted Candle (溶けたろうそく Toketa Rousoku?)
Misshapen wax from a melted candle. 10 X X Quests
Kupo Seed
Kupo Seed (クポの種 Kupo no Tane?)
A small seed found within a kupo nut. 150 X Quests
Kupo Leaf
Kupo Leaf (クポの葉 Kupo no Ha?)
A leaf from a kupo tree. 150 X Quests
Kupo Blossom
Kupo Blossom (クポの花 Kupo no Hana?, lit. "Kupo Flower")
A flower from a kupo tree. 150 X Quests
Kupo Dew Drops
Kupo Dew Drops (クポのしずく Kupo no Shizuku?, lit. "Kupo Drops")
A phial of precious dew drops from a kupo blossom. 150 X Quests
Small Buttons
Small Buttons (小さなボタン Chīsana Botan?)
Buttons that came off a dress. 10 X Quests
Silk Handkerchief
Silk Handkerchief (絹のハンカチ Kinu no Hankachi?)
A soft, smooth handkerchief made from silk. 10 X Quests
Herb Vine
Herb Vine (薬草のつた Yakusō no Tsuta?, lit. "Curative Ivy")
An oddly tangled vine of herbs. 10 X Quests
Luminous Moss
Luminous Moss (ヒカリゴケ Hikarigoke?)
A unique moss that glows faintly in the dark. 10 X Quests

Obsolete Materials edit

These materials were required for upgrading Keyblades until they were removed in Version 2.6.0. Any materials obtained before the update are still in the Player's inventory.

Orichalcum edit


Orichalcum (オリハルコン Oriharukon?) were obtained, one at a time, for completing every 25 Story Quest, as well as for completing the third objective of Proud Quest: Power LV 45 and completing the first objective of A New Keyblade: Moogle O' Glory. See here for a full list. One Orichalcum was needed to unlock the fourth slot of any Keyblade and another two for the fifth. As Orichalcum were finite in number, they can't be sold.

Adamantite Ore edit

Adamantite Ore

Adamantite Ores (アダマント Adamanto?, lit. "Adamant") were obtained for completing the first objective of each Adamantite Ore Challenge Special Quest. See here for a full list. One Adamantite Ore was needed each time the Player strengthened a Keyblade between levels +21 and +25, and as Adamantite Ores were finite in number, they can't be sold.

Mythril Stone edit

Mythril Stone
"A stone made from mythril ore."

Mythril Stones (ミスリルのしずく Misuriru no Shizuku?, lit. "Mythril Drop") were occasionally obtained from Rare Prize Boxes, and could also be easily farmed in the Mythril Madness: Mythril Stone Special Quest. Mythril Stones were needed to strengthen each Keyblade at specific levels, and excess Mythril Stones could be sold for 50 Munny.

Mythril Gem edit

Mythril Gem
"A gem cut from mythril ore."

Mythril Gems (ミスリルの魔石 Misuriru no Maseki?) were occasionally obtained from Rare Prize Boxes, and could also be easily farmed in the Mythril Madness: Mythril Gem Special Quest. Mythril Gems were needed to strengthen each Keyblade at specific levels, and excess Mythril Gems could be sold for 100 Munny.

Mythril Crystal edit

Mythril Crystal
"A mysterious crystal made from mythril ore."

Mythril Crystals (ミスリルの結晶 Misuriru no Kesshō?) were occasionally obtained from Rare Prize Boxes, and could also be easily farmed in the Mythril Madness: Mythril Crystal Special Quest. Mythril Crystals were needed to strengthen each Keyblade at specific levels, and excess Mythril Crystals could be sold for 150 Munny.