Raid Boss

Revision as of 09:11, 6 February 2018 by Jicama (talk | contribs)

Raid Bosses (レイドボス Reido Bosu?) are unusually powerful Heartless which are encountered after defeating a number of enemies; the specific number varies with the type of enemies and the quests they appear in. Raid Bosses last a limited amount of time before disappearing and cost zero AP to fight the first time. The Raid Boss spawned depends on which quest you last completed. Some story quests such as Quest 24 that have a Raid Boss as their target enemy will always spawn a boss when the quest is complete.

Raid Boss Event
Name Quests spawned Attributes
Behemoth Quests 1-34, 131-160
Lure a Behemoth
Daily Challenge Event
WOFF Avatar Quest: Beginner
WOFF Avatar Quest: Intermediate
WOFF Avatar Quest: Advanced
Power Attribute
Behemoth Ω Quests 131-160
Lure a Behemoth
Daily Challenge Event
WOFF Avatar Quest: Beginner
WOFF Avatar Quest: Intermediate
WOFF Avatar Quest: Advanced
Power Attribute & Magic Attribute
Guard Armor Quests 35-66, 161-188
Lure a Guard Armor
Speed Attribute
Guard Armor Ω Quests 161-188
Lure a Guard Armor
Speed Attribute & Magic Attribute
Darkside Quests 67-96, 189-220
Lure a Darkside
Speed Attribute
Darkside Ω Quests 189-220
Lure a Darkside
Speed Attribute & Power Attribute
Trickmaster Quests 97-130, 221-250, 483-
Lure a Trickmaster
Magic Attribute
Trickmaster Ω Quests 221-250
Lure a Trickmaster
All (main Magic Attribute )
Savage Spider Quests 300-350 Power Attribute
Venomous Spider Quests 300-350 Power Attribute & Magic Attribute
Trident Tail Quests 351-375
Lure a Trident Tail
Magic Attribute
Trident Tail Ω Quests 351-375, 476-482
Lure a Trident Tail
Magic Attribute & Speed Attribute
Enraged Arachnid Quests 425-475 Speed Attribute
Queen Bee Queen Bee
Lure a Queen Bee
Power Attribute & Magic Attribute
Speed Attribute
Magic Attribute
Queen Bee Ω Queen Bee
Lure a Queen Bee
Power Attribute & Speed Attribute
Speed Attribute
Green Trident Tail Lure a Green Trident Tail
2016 Showdown! Daily Raid Event (12/26/2016)
Speed Attribute & Power Attribute
Fortress Crab 2016 Showdown! Daily Raid Event (12/29/2016) Speed Attribute
Fortress Crab Ω Raid Level: Legendary! Don't go alone!‎‎
Raid Level: Legendary! Don't Go Alone! (August)
Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (March)
Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (September 2017)
All (main Power Attribute )
Submarine Carp Lure a Submarine Carp
2016 Showdown! Daily Raid Event (12/28/2016)
Lure a Submarine Carp (June 2017)
Daily Party Raid Event
Power Attribute & Magic Attribute
Gummi Hound Raid Level: Legendary! Don't Go Alone! (September)
2016 Showdown! Daily Raid Event (12/30/2016)
Lure a Gummi Hound
All (main Power Attribute )
Blue Trident Tail Lure a Blue Trident Tail
2016 Showdown! Daily Raid Event (12/31/2016)
Lure a Blue Trident Tail (July 2017)
Magic Attribute & Speed Attribute
Hocus Pocus Raid Level: Legendary! Don't Go Alone! (October)
2017 Showdown! Daily Raid Event (01/01/2017)
Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (October 2017)
All (main Power Attribute )
Red Trident Tail Lure a Red Trident Tail Power Attribute & Magic Attribute
Closehanded Captain Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (November)
Lure a Closehanded Captain
Daily Party Raid Event (October 2017)
All (main Speed Attribute )
Wicked Spider Lure a Scourge Spider (November 2016)
2016 Showdown! Daily Raid Event (12/27/2016)
Speed Attribute
Jack in the Box Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (December) Speed Attribute
Jewel Sorceress Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (January)
Daily Party Raid Event (September 2017)
All (main Magic Attribute )
Adventurer WOFF Avatar Quest: Beginner
WOFF Avatar Quest: Intermediate
WOFF Avatar Quest: Advanced
An Exotic Encounter: Advanced
All (main Magic Attribute )
Scourge Spider Lure a Scourge Spider (January 2017)
Lure a Scourge Spider (October 2017)
Power Attribute
Sinister Sweets Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (February) Magic Attribute & Speed Attribute
Spiteful Sweets Lure a Spiteful Sweets Power Attribute & Magic Attribute
Egg Master Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (April) All (main Speed Attribute )
Circus Crab 1st Anniversary Raid Challenge
Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (December 2017)
Power Attribute & Magic Attribute
Jewel Princess Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (May)
Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (November 2017)
All (main Magic Attribute )
Assault Dragon Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (June)
Daily Party Raid Event (November 2017)
All (main Speed Attribute )
Malicious Spider Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (July) Magic Attribute
Gear Golem Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (August 2017)
Daily Party Raid Event (January 2018)
Power Attribute & Speed Attribute
Heartless Tsum Lure a Heartless Tsum All (main Magic Attribute )
Lion Headliner Legendary Raid Level: Don't Go Alone! (January 2018) Power Attribute & Speed Attribute

Raid Bosses drop a sizeable amount of Lux whenever damaged. Defeating them gives one or more random rewards, which can be viewed in advance by tapping the boss's image on the Quests screen. Every time you defeat a Raid Boss you summoned, it goes up a level. When you next encounter the Raid Boss, it'll be stronger, and will also give more Lux as well as a chance at better medals compared to before. Each Raid Boss has its own individual level that resets at the end of the month.

Raid Bosses all have at least one weak point which can be targeted; defeating one of these weak points delays the enemy's turn by one round. Defeating all of the enemy's weak points prior to defeating the Raid Boss grants you the All Points Defeated reward. Raid Bosses have from one to five weak points.

If you fail to defeat the Raid Boss you have spawned, you may pay 10 AP to try to finish it off. Party members can also pay 10 AP to assist you for a chance at the shared rewards. Weak points will remain defeated for 3 minutes, during which the boss will begin the rematch stunned for the appropriate number of turns. This timer will be reset whenever a player fights the boss. When the stun wears off, defeated weak points will be revived with partial HP.

Rewards are granted based on the Raid Boss level, which Raid Boss you are facing, and meeting certain criteria.

  • Victory - Just defeat the Raid Boss prior to the timer running out. All participants in the raid will receive this.
  • MVP/Host - The person who ran into the Raid Boss and the person who did the most damage to the main point will receive this. If the MVP and Host are the same person, they will not receive a second reward.
  • All Points Defeated - If the boss had all the weak points destroyed prior to being defeated, then all participants in the raid will receive this.

Omega Raid Bosses

Omega Raid Bosses are rare versions of each Raid Boss. They are more powerful and grant greater rewards, but follow all the same rules as normal Raid Bosses except that they have a twenty minute timer instead. Sometimes, their weak point will have different attributes. They are noticeably different visually, displaying an alternate color scheme compared to their lesser forms.

Much like their lesser counterparts, Omega Raid Bosses also have their own individual levels and increase in level as you defeat them.

If you have "Support Alerts" turned on in your settings, your phone will receive a push notification when a party member requests assistance with an Omega Raid Boss.
