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Meteor Arrows

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Meteor Arrows is a Special Attack in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ.

Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ[edit]

Meteor Arrows[edit]

Meteor Arrows (メテオアロー Meteo Arō?, lit. "Meteor Arrow")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Deals 3 extremely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes. Lowers PSM-DEF of all targets by 1 tier for 2 turns. x2.68 x2.74 x2.80 x2.86 x2.92 x2.98 x5.96 All 2 3
7★ Deals 3 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1. x8.14 x16.28 All 1 3

Meteor Arrows (メテオアロー Meteo Arō?, lit. "Meteor Arrow")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Deals 3 extremely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes. Lowers PSM-DEF of all targets by 1 tier for 3 turns. x2.68 x2.74 x2.80 x2.86 x2.92 x2.98 x6.85 All 1 4
7★ Deals 3 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1. x8.14 x18.72 All 1 4

WORLD OF FF Sephiroth
Meteor Arrows (メテオアロー Meteo Arō?, lit. "Meteor Arrow")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Deals 3 extremely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes. Lowers PSM-DEF of all targets by 1 tier for 2 turns. x2.68 x2.74 x2.80 x2.86 x2.92 x2.98 x5.96 All 2 3
7★ Deals 3 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ R-STR by 3, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1. x8.14 x16.28 All 1 3

WORLD OF FF Sephiroth
Meteor Arrows (メテオアロー Meteo Arō?, lit. "Meteor Arrow")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Deals 3 extremely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes. Lowers PSM-DEF of all targets by 1 tier for 3 turns. x2.68 x2.74 x2.80 x2.86 x2.92 x2.98 x6.85 All 1 4
7★ Deals 3 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ R-STR by 3, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1. x8.14 x18.72 All 1 4

Meteor Arrows (メテオアロー Meteo Arō?, lit. "Meteor Arrow")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Deals 3 extremely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes. Lowers PSM-DEF of all targets by 1 tier for 2 turns. x2.68 x2.74 x2.80 x2.86 x2.92 x2.98 x5.96 All 2 3
7★ Deals 3 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1. x8.14 x16.28 All 1 3

Meteor Arrows (メテオアロー Meteo Arō?, lit. "Meteor Arrow")
Rarity Description Damage Target Gauges SAB
○○○○○ ●○○○○ ●●○○○ ●●●○○ ●●●●○ ●●●●● Max SAB
6★ Deals 3 extremely powerful hits that ignore targets' attributes. Lowers PSM-DEF of all targets by 1 tier for 3 turns. x2.68 x2.74 x2.80 x2.86 x2.92 x2.98 x6.85 All 1 4
7★ Deals 3 hits that ignore targets' attributes. 3 turns: ↑ U-STR by 3, ↓ targets' PSM-DEF by 1. x8.14 x18.72 All 1 4


Special Attacks by name
Arcanum (アルカナム?) Ars Arcanum - Ars Solum - Combo Arcanum - Dark Arcanum - Dark Dual Arcanum - Dual Arcanum - Extreme Arcana - Flame Arcanum - Ice Arcanum - Rosea Arcanum - Sono Arcanum
Arrow (アロー?) Glacial Arrows - Glacial Arrows Thunder - Ignito Arrows - Meteor Arrows
Arts (アーツ?) Air Flair - Air Flair Fire/Fire Flair/Flame Flair - Levin Flair
Assault (アサルト?) Blast Strike - Crimson Strike - Dark Strike - Gale Assault - Sonic Smash
Aura (オーラ?) Chaos Aura - Dark Aura/Dark Rush
Barrage (バラージュ?) Bright Barrage - Fire Barrage - Ice Barrage - Raging Barrage - Stardust Barrage - Thunder Barrage - Wind Barrage
Blade (ブレード?) Blade of Seven - Demolition Blade
Blast (ブラスト?) Lightning Blast - Spark Blast - Wicked Blast
Blaze (ブレイズ?) Ultimate Blaze - Wicked Blaze
Blitz (ブリッツ?) Aerial Blitz - Monster Blitz - Raging Blitz - Trick Blitz
Blow (ブロウ?) Flame Strike - Shadow Strike
Bomb (ボム?) Antique Bomb - Classic Bomb - Magic Bomb - Magic Explosion
Braver (ブレイバー?) Antihero - Blitz Braver - Dark Hero - Dual Hero - Heroic Strike - Heroic Surge - Shadow's Hero - Swift Hero
Break (ブレイク?) Blast Break - Blitz - Dark Break - Flame Break - Flare Break - Frost Break - Icicle Break - Shadow Break - Sonic Blitz - Spark Break - Wind Break
Breaker (ブレイカー?) Dark Dual Disaster - Dual Disaster
Bullet (バレット?) Dark Missiles - Pulsing Barrel - Radiant Shot - Shining Spark - Winter Bullet
Bullet Shot (バレットショット?) Flame Shot - Thunder Shot
Burst (バースト?) Icy Burst - Restorative Burst
Charge (チャージ?) Dark Lightning Charge - Monster Charge
Circle of (サークルオブ?) Circle of Darkness - Circle of Light - Circle of Winds
Cleave (クリーブ?) Aerial Cleave - Flame Cleave - Sonic Rush
Cyclone (サイクロン?) Dragoon Cyclone - Dual Cyclone - Raging Cyclone
Dance (ダンス?) Dextrous Dance - Storm Dance
Darkness (ダークネス?) Colossal Darkness - Raging Darkness
Dash (ダッシュ?) Dark Fire Dash - Dark Ice Dash - Dark Spark Dash - Fire Dash - Ice Dash - Shadow Dash - Sliding Dash - Spark Dash - Wind Dash
Disaster (ディザスター?) Double Trouble - X Disaster
Duplicate (デュプリケート?) Imitation - Imitation II - Imitation Afar
Drop (ドロップ?) Cyclone Drop - Drops of Imagination - Ice Drop - Lightning Drop - Rock Drop - Sphere Drop
Drop of (ドロップオブ?) Raindrop - Water Surge
Edge (エッジ?) Blades of Illusion - Blades of Innocence - Blades of Two - Icicle Blades
End (エンド?) Blazing End - Blitz End - Dark End - Darkness's End - Dual Ruin - Frosty End - Pride's End - Valor's End
Esoterica (エストリカ?) Arcane Darkness - Arcane Shine - Dual Mastery/Dual Thrust
Explosion (エクスプロージョン?) Explosion - Explosive Thunder
Flame (フレイム?) Ancient Flames - Angry Flames - Ghostly Flames - Inferno - Insightful Flames - Invoked Flame - Pulsing Flame - Raging Blaze - Raging Flame - Wicked Flame
Flare (フレア?) Flare - Inferno Flare
Flash (一閃?) Flash of Darkness - Monoslash - Swift Strike
Friendship (フレンドシップ?) Bonds of Friendship - Firm Friendship
Gale (ゲイル?) Brawling Gale - Gale Blast
Gash (ガッシュ?) Dark Gash - Shining Surge
Hearts (ハーツ?) Brave Hearts - Dolce Hearts - Noble Hearts - Sweet Hearts
Holy (ホーリー?) Brilliant Faith - Faith - Radiance
Horizon (ホライズン?) Black Hole - Dark Horizon
Ice (アイス?) Brawling Ice - Icy Grim
Impact (インパクト?) Blazing Strike - Brave Impact - Dark Impact - Fiery Impact - Luminous Impact - Sonic Impact
Knife (ナイフ?) Blade Rush - Savage Knives
Laser (レーザー?) Dark Laser - Electric Laser - Laser - Laser Barrage
Leaf (リーフ?) Nature's Favor - Nature's Gift
Lunge (ランジ?) Ferocious Leap - Lunging Charge
Mirage (ミラージュ?) Protosonic Mirage - Sonic Mirage
Nightmare (ナイトメア?) Lightning Nightmare - Nightmare
Pulse (パルス?) Dark Magic Pulse - Magic Pulse
Raid (レイド?) Aero Raid - Arctic Raid - Blitz Raid - Blizzard Raid - Dark Blizzard Raid - Dark Fire Raid - Dark Raid - Dark Thunder Raid - Fire Raid - Frost Raid - Glacial Raid - Ignito Raid - Juggling Raid - Radiant Glory - Spark Raid - Spinning Raid - Strike Raid - Thunder Raid - Trick Raid
Rampage (ランページ?) Blade Rampage - Fiery Rampage - Icy Rampage
Rave (レイヴ?) Blitz Blade - Flame Blade - Frost Blade - Sonic Blade - Spark Blade - Wind Blade
Roar (ロア?) Proud Roar - Thunderous Roar
Rush (ラッシュ?) Charging Rush - Flame Rush - Snow Rush
Saber (セイバー?) Brilliant Saber - Soaring Saber
Saucer (ソーサー?) Dazzling Discs - Magic Saucer - Raging Saucer - Shining Saucer
Slash (スラッシュ?) Blaze Slash - Cyclone Slash - Dark Slash - Freezing Slash - Lightning Slash - Wicked Slash
Spear (スピア?) Icicle Spear - Spear Thrust - Stormy Spear
Star (スター?) Radiant Star - Shimmering Star - Shining Star - Shooting Star
Storm (ストーム?) Hailstorm - Rapid Storm - Thunderstorm - Wind Storm
Strike (ストライク?) Blitz Strike - Charging Strike - Electric Strike - Icy Strike
Sword (ソード?) Blade of Glory - Blazing Sword - Brave Sword - Cyclone Sword - Glacial Sword - Heaven's Sword - Light's Sword - Radiant Sword - Sword of the Eclipse - Sword of the Vortex - Ultimate Sword
Thorn (ソーン?) Blossom of Thorns - Merciless Thorns
Thrust (スラスト?) Levin Thrust - Sonic Thrust
Thunderbolt (サンダーボルト?) Bolts of Thunder - Enchanted Thunderbolt
Tornado (トルネード?) Fiery Tornado - Lightning Tornado - Thunder Tornado - Tornado
Wave (ウェイブ?) Blastwave - Dual Shockwave - Shockwave
Special Attacks based on Magic spells
Fire Dark Firaga - Firaga - Trick Firaga
Blizzard Blizzaga - Dark Blizzaga - Raging Blizzard
Thunder Dark Thundaga - Thundaga
Cure Cura - Curaga - Cure
Aero Aeroga - Dark Aeroga
Signature Special Attacks
Organization XIII Berserk - Black Hole - Dancing Deck - Diamond Dust - Dual Blade - Earthen Fury - Final Judgment - Icy Ensemble - Meteor Mirage - Prison of Flames - Raging Winds - Ultimate Shot - Water Whirl - Wild Frenzy - Wings of Despair
Foretellers Bear Claw - Foxtrot - Horn Strike - Panther Claw - Serpent's Illusion
Final Fantasy Cross Slash/Chain Slash - Dragon - Dive Bomb - Flurry - Hell's Gate - Hurricane - Ice Brand - Meteor Rain - Omnislash - Tornado X - Void Slash - Zone of Ruin
Buff & Debuff Special Attacks
Buffs Mighty STR - Strength Bonus - Strength Bonus PSM - Strength Boost - Strength Boost M - Strength Boost P - Strength Boost PSM - Strength Boost S - Strength Trinity - DEF Boost - Defense Boost - Defense Boost M - Defense Boost P - Defense Boost PSM - Defense Boost S - Heroic Hybrid - STR & DEF Boost - STR Boost P & DEF Boost S - STR Boost PSM & DEF Boost - STR Boost S & DEF Boost M - Upright PSM EX
Debuffs DEF Sap - DEF Sap UPSM - DEF Sap UR & Charge - Defense Sap - Defense Sap P - Defense Sap S - Strength Sap
Buffs + Debuffs Hybrid EX & Charge - STR Boost M & DEF Sap - STR Boost P & DEF Sap - STR Boost S & DEF Sap
Other Charge - Dispel - Esuna - Mirror
Unique Special Attacks

Abyss Assault - Ancient Light - Aqua Splash - Avalanche - Banishing Moon - Blazing Cannon - Blitz Slice - Blooming Shine - Blossom Bloom - Blossom Deathscythe - Brave Duel - Brave Finale - Breath of Winds - Bringer of Dark - Burning Darkness - Calamitous Ray - Chaotic Darkness - Christmas Gift - Circle of Innocence - Comet Stream - Crushing Power - Curious Cubes - Dark Assault - Dark Bash - Dark Blow - Dark Eclipse - Dark Exposure - Dark Fire Flurry - Dark Glory - Dark Gravity - Dark Inferno - Dark Maim - Dark Prisoner - Dark Vortex - Darkdrive Snow - Dash Attack - Eternal Session - Fiery Beat - Fiery Blaze - Fire of Seven - Fireball - Force Field - Freezing Arc - Frost Rage - Geyser Blast - Glacial Prison - Heavy Rain - Homing Darkness - Icicle Storm - Icy Chill - Illusions - Illusory Feat - Inferno Burst - Lance Strike - Laser Blaster - Lasting Hope - Levin Flash - Lightning Fangs - Lightning Shield - Maelstrom - Make A Wish - Memoria - Noble Gift - Noble Spirits - Pumpkin Pummel - Raging Lightning - Ragnarok - Replenishing Waters - Rising Sun - Rising Wonder - Sphere Blast - Spinning Shadows - Spiral Tides - Spreading Flames - Swirling Fire - Tempest - Timeworn Glass - Tongue Thwack - Tornado Burst - Umbrella Beam - Valkyrie - Vile Scratch - Wheel Smash - Wild Winds - Zantetsuken - Zone Stinger