(Party Cooperation and Recommendation) Let's challenge the Super Degree of Difficulty Raid!

(Party Cooperation and Recommendation) Let's challenge the Super Degree of Difficulty Raid! in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ is the only quest of the Let's defeat the "R Trident Anchor"! Event.

(Party Cooperation and Recommendation) Let's challenge the Super Degree of Difficulty Raid!

Maps: The Queen's Castle
Kana 【パーティー協力推奨】超難度レイドに挑もう!
Rōmaji 【Pātī Kyōryoku Suishō】Chōnando Reido ni Idomou!
AP Level Raid Boss
5 25 Red Trident Tail
Magic AttributeEggcognito
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn ??? Jewels
Complete without having to continue ??? Raid Coin
Trigger the skill Attack Boost I ??? Raid Coin
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards

Maps edit

JP Version exclusives
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