First Three Days of the New Year Challenge! 2/3

First Three Days of the New Year Challenge! 2/3 in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ / Union χ is the second quest in the First Three Days of the New Year Event - Get Pet Parts "Kite"! series of Japanese Event Quests.

First Three Days of the New Year Challenge! 2/3

Maps: Dwarf's Cottage: 1st Floor, Dwarf's Cottage: 2nd Floor
Kana 三が日チャレンジ! 2/3
Rōmaji Sanganichi Charenji! 2/3
AP Level Raid Boss
0[1] 75 ???
Speed AttributeChipper Chef
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn 30 Jewels
Complete without having to continue 30 Jewels
Collect 400 or more Lux 30 Jewels
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards

Maps edit

Enemies edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Large Rice Cake
 3 Round Rice Cakes
Dwarf's Cottage: 1st Floor LV 50
LV 50
 3 Large Rice Cakes Dwarf's Cottage: 2nd Floor LV 50
 1 Chipper Chef
 1 Chipper Chef
Dwarf's Cottage: 2nd Floor Target Enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 9

Enemy Types edit


Treasures edit


Notes and references edit

  1. This quest coincided with a 0 AP event

JP Version exclusives
Avatar Boards
Avatar Parts
Coliseum Boards
Avatar Parts
Event Quests
High Score Challenge Event

High Score Event: 7/8 - 7/21High Score Event: 7/29 - 8/4High Score Event: 8/12 - 8/18High Score Event: 8/26 - 8/31High Score Event: 9/9 - 9/15

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